我是从文件--就进了WIZARD---填电话(86-20-XXXXXXXX)(OR 从phonebook里选)---FINISHED---VENTA自动拨号
Initial moden, ready to start( 按 开始)(拨号声) --- recepiton (answer) ---- reception (ready to discnnect)
No response from fax (Er 29)
The modem has not detected any response signals from the remote fax, so it could not begin the connection establishment procedure. Never pick up a telephone extension during facsimile exchange. In a manually established connection, follow the procedure prescribed in the Manual transmission features section.
This error can also arise during voice message recording because of an incorrect silence level setting (set by the Treat max. signal volume as silence at ... rel. units setting under the Voice - Signal Recognition tab). The program has detected silence on the telephone line after the answering machine has responded and so has tried to receive a fax. You can find the solution for this problem in the section Answering machine records partial messages or does not record messages at all.