【求助】windows7下装buttom utility错误
求教各位!机器为富士通T2010,系统是WINDOWS7旗舰版;安装富士通工具软件buttom utility时出现错误如下:
SetSlate returned error, FjSetSlt is exiting ,之后安装完成。
以后每次启动系统的时候都会提示SetSlate returned error, FjSetSlt is exiting ;
卸载buttom utility后正常。
在网上参考,个人认为可能原因为.net framework 2.0 没有装好!
现WINDOWS7中已含了.net framework 3.5(不兼容.net framework 2.0),想在WINDOWS7下安装.net framework 2.0来解决问题(尝试没有成功,安装不上,有高版本)
谢谢!! 自己顶一下! 在安装各类utility之前,请确认所有相关的driver都安装好了 我在P1630上安装xp,也遇到这个情况,导致现在,那5键也没驱动,当作摆设了,郁闷 进来学习一下。 我的t4215也是 换win7了,开始也发现这个问题,反复实验了几次,才发现安装顺序:
先装System Extension Utility
再装Hotkey Utility
Button Driver
别装Button Utility
就不会出现错误窗口了 我win10下装过两次按键驱动,都遇到这个问题。第一次我解决了,可我没牢记是怎么解决的。第二次又重复上网搜索这个问题的解决方案,真是做无用功,早知道好记性不如烂笔头了。后来找到解决方法,其实上次也是这样解决的。就说安装按键驱动的时候要关闭UAC设置。参考这篇帖子:https://blog.flexuous.com/2010/10/31/fujitsu-tablet-button-issue-on-windows-7-x64/
Originally I tried the procedures outlined by a number of people to uninstall the button utility, reboot, uninstall driver, reboot, delete the buttons directory under the program files/fujitsu directory, reboot then reinstall the driver, reboot, reinstall the utility…..
unfortunately this didn’t work.
However, I noticed that during the installation process, Windows7 as usual would ask the typical UAC question… “This program is attempting to make changes to the system…. ”(or whatever it normally says) and the install program opened a couple of command windows.These windows would then generate a couple of errors.This got me to thinking about some issues I was having with some other software on my new development machine at work… and I had an idea……
I turned off User Access Control and rebooted.
now… with UAC turned off I followed the directions..
Uninstall the button utility
Uninstall the button drivers
Re-install the button drivers
Re-install the button utility
….. it worked! The buttons started to work…… 补充一下,我的是富士通T5010。