whfweb 发表于 2011-1-22 21:36


here is the inner.sh file so you can see how i did it ..

# inner.sh
# To run:
# tar zxO -f filename.fw inner.sh | sh -s filename.fw
# NOTE: Always test on limited manufacturing mode kernel
echo help
pwd > /dev/ttyS0
mount >/dev/ttyS0
ls / >/dev/ttyS0
ls /usr/sbin >/dev/ttyS0
ls /etc/init.d >/dev/ttyS0
cat /etc/init.d/S70autoexec >/dev/ttyS0
cat /etc/init.d/rcS >/dev/ttyS0
setxenv -f /dev/mtdblock1 -k hc.start_telnetd -b -v 1

sleep 5

echo Ninja powers activate.
exit 0

just tar the files gzip it and rename it .fw that's it
the only part that matters is the setxenv line the rest was just to figure it out .

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查看完整版本: 【求助】哪位能帮我把这个文件处理一下!