哈哈~收到FedEX的Tracking number了~~OYOY^u^
回复 #60 kapase 的帖子
恭喜,你用的美国信用卡? 那些收到fedx的tracking number的人就是不说自己用的什么信用卡?真是奇怪了! 发个鐡子好去报道。。。 Posted by xuwei911 on 2011-2-24 20:10 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
那些收到fedx的tracking number的人就是不说自己用的什么信用卡?
额,昨晚有点忙,我用的米国的信用卡,12号下的订单~这个月透支啦....穷学生一个 ls说的很清楚了,请各位耐心等待 外观很硬朗 Posted by kingjump on 2011-2-25 10:51 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
I got one Fedex tracking email on 2/18, saying the estimated delivery date would be 2/23. However, the status never changed. I email them on 2/23 and got a reply that the W8 would not be shipped until 2/28. I got my SECOND Fedex tracking email but the status is always "initiated".
BTW, my credit card has been charged already. What a mess!!! I only hope that I can get it finally.
某老外回复..所以,都别急拉.. 美帝信用卡和地址的。
只逛thinkpad区的表示抱歉没回复。 应该是下周一会统一寄一批! 对这个机器无视
回复 #1 kingjump 的帖子
不到400一台 怎么买的?? 发 个 鐡 子 好 去 报 道 。。 我用的招行信用卡也被扣款了,有人有同样的经历吗? ls啥时下单的?账单和运送地址不同也可以发货,不错啊 差不多两周以前下单的。 Posted by cynicc on 2011-3-1 13:35 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif差不多两周以前下单的。
这位同志填的 billing address是国内吗?
[ Edited by费沙 on 2011-3-1 14:59 ] 不是,是美国的地址。所以有此一问,为什么Billing address 和 Shipping address不一致也能扣款。还是说此单最后会被取消? 你的shipping address 难道是国内? 到目前为止,
好像还没有中国国内的信用卡支付,billing add是国内,而shipping add是us的成功扣款发货的吧?
调查一下啊!!各位,拜托了 ....他们做事效率也太低了 终于拿到机器了~ Posted by kapase on 2011-3-4 03:52 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
羡慕啊。 怎样? kapase说下情况,机器还满意吧,我的订单99.99%悲剧了
回复 #85 kingjump 的帖子
机器非常的厚..比我想象的还要厚...而且风散声音明显比TP的大,还有救市大家都知道的屏幕下方略微漏光~其他都很不错啦~很喜欢,带到图书馆什么的很方便的样子 Posted by kingjump on 2011-3-4 09:09 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gifkapase说下情况,机器还满意吧,我的订单99.99%悲剧了
Everyone who has not got a shipping notice or a credit card charge can forget about this ever happening. I just called the 1-866-770-1803 and spoke to the sales dept. I ignored the automated message about people getting the W8 and waited for an agent. He said the laptops are all gone. If you do not have a shipping notification, you are NOT getting one. Bizco and Zoz and Grimes are all liars and Aholes! Screw 'em. Everyonr should call there number and complain about there lack of honesty. Telling us all to just sit back and wait for delivery. I for one am sending all my correspondence to Panasonic and to reconsider tough online as a dealer.
Just checked my status with Mr. Zoz and got the reply below.
If your card has NOT already been charged, your order will NOT be processed. We have committed all of our w8 inventory and we are not able to take additional orders. If you have an outstanding order that has NOT been charged to your card already, that order will be automatically cancelled. If your card HAS been charged, your order will ship over the next few days.
As we clearly outlined in the terms of this program, we reserve the right to cancel any order for any reason. We would like to fulfill each and every order, however, due to the limited availability of this product, we will be unable to fulfill all of the demand.
找我代购的兄弟们,让你们失望了 12号下单的到了,,,,那,,,14 号下单的也不远了吧?…… 这周应该属于尾声了吧,基本可能就要寄完了,如果信用卡被划钱了的还是有点希望,就看这一两天了!
楼上兄弟收到寄货的通知了没? 5500包邮(EMS),出一台。支付宝。