将电池取下不用,只连接电源适配器使用绝对是不良的使用方法,也是不智的。为什么呢?因为有这样的使用倾向的往往是新用户,这些新用户购买的是Intel-Mac的机型,而这些新机型当电池被取下后,仅仅连接电源适配器来给本本供电,电脑将会自动将处理器的速度降频,以使电脑的电量消耗降下来,防止因为适配器单独供电,当系统资源需要更多电力但又功率不足时引起电脑自动关机。这种自动关机是系统的SMC的自动保护功能。如果以为取下电池,就可以使电池更耐用,但却正如斧爷所说,实际上是不可能达到耐用的目的的,反而可能更缩短了电池的寿命。而且,如果长期在处理器被降频的情况下工作,那么本来你购买的是2.x GHz速度的电脑,却长期使用的是1.x GHz的电脑,这难道是智者的所为吗?当然是不智的了。
有关MacBook/MacBook Pro取下电池,单独使用电源适配器供电,处理器会自动降频请参考苹果的技术文件第305336号:MacBook and MacBook Pro: Mac reduces processor speed when battery is removed while operating from an A/C adaptor。
Important: It is strongly recommended that you do not use your MacBook or MacBook Pro while the battery is removed. Accidently bumping the A/C adaptor could disconnect power and shutdown the computer. Any information that was not saved on your computer would be lost.
再复述一遍:Accidently bumping the A/C adaptor could disconnect power and shutdown the computer. Any information that was not saved on your computer would be lost. 学习,谢谢谢谢谢