【下载】Opera 11.50 正式版 - 密码同步+新的快速拨号扩展
Today we released Opera 11.50 aka Swordfish. With its new streamlined body and highly powerful interior it becomes the most dangerous predator on the internet waters.http://static.myopera.com/community/graphics/smiley.gifOpera Swordfish, with its innovatory Speed Dial extensions, makes your Speed Dial more alive than ever before. Now you can get all the information you need straight from your Speed Dial, without the necessity to go to the page. All of this is made possible thanks by the smart Speed Dial extensions, which you can download and install from our addons portal.
Beside that, Opera 11.50 allows you to easily synchronize your passwords between computers.
This way you can access your favorite services, without repeatedly typing in your passwords on different computers.
Opera 11.50 is equipped with our newest rendering engine - Presto 2.9.168 -- featuring up to 20% faster rendering of CSS and SVG, support for HTML5 tag <time>, Session History and Navigation and many more enhancements.
We would like to thank you all for helping us out with the testing and your constructive feedback. http://static.myopera.com/community/graphics/smiley.gif If you have Opera 11.50 RC5 installed, then you already have the final version.
Download Opera 11.50
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Opera 11.50 新增特性
[*]Opera Link 密码同步[*]Opera 快速拨号扩展,访问 http://addons.opera.com/ 安装扩展[*]全新的外观设计,更加简洁淡雅[*]引擎升级,优化 CSS 渲染及 Vega 引擎性能[*]更多的 HTML5 支持[*] 官方网页现在比较慢。直接下载地址为:http://get.opera.com/pub/opera/win/1150/zh-cn/Opera_1150_int_Setup.exe 速度很快,很舒服 opera进步不大,有越做越烂的倾向,谭永文下课后不知道还能不能保持技术上的创新 升级了下,感觉速度快了。