World first SXGA(1400x1050 ) fujitsu ST5112.
本帖最后由 leokim 于 2012-10-4 09:37 编辑Maybe, This is the world first mod for ST5112 SXGA. I have modified the intel video bios Table ( VBT) to support sxga ( 1400 x 1050),since there is no EDID interface . ( If you look into lcd cable of st5112, you know that pins of EDID is nc ( No connection)), If there is LCD EDID interface on st5112, the modification may be more easier. 这机子不错!
:D:D 非常不错!! 我过去也有这样一台机子 GOOD 啥东东啊 下回的world first 是什么呢。。。