【转帖】关于Precision M6600改装RGBLED-IPS屏幕的资料(M6700也应适用)
A. This upgrade/conversion can cost as little as $300 or as much as $1000 depending on where you buy from. Either way, you will need to go through Dell USA to get the proprietary eDP to eDP/LVDS interposer card (currently US$20, but with a one month lead time).
B. The needed LCD interconnect cables are not individually specified or sold parts. They are in fact part of the LCD back cover assembly so that single part number will cover multiple items.
C. The stock LCD mounting bracket used on the M6600 will not work with the IPS solution since the display panel mounting holes are pushed up about 3mm to compensate for the thicker LCD back cover assembly.
D. Be sure to order the special LCD bezel barrel fasteners and their covers, which are all sold separately and not part of the plastic bezel assembly .
E. It is advised to buy or nicely request (6) H1M5R fasteners so you have them handy if needed during the upgrade/conversion process.
The IPS display offers some beautiful colors and sharpness, but there are two small concerns I am currently investigating –
1. The LG LP173WF3 panel used makes a small high frequency noise when the backlight circuit is powered ON. This noise is very low when the systems are reassembled and when plugged in. However, the noise does become easier to catch when the systems are running on battery power and/or when the LCD brightness is on a high setting. I have tested multiple LG panels on multiple M6600 systems and they all display this same high frequency noise that I suspect is a leaky DC signal being amplified by the LCD backlight control logic. Any others with the IPS displays in their M6600 are welcomed to chime in a let me know if your system produces the same noise.
2. The bottom right corner/quadrant of every display tested so far (all legitimate Dell display panels – not “compatible” panels) show a very slight but evident bluish hue that is a little annoying. At first I thought I may be going a little koo-koo, but this slight polarization issue seems to be on every panel tested. Anyone else see this?
At any rate, I like the end result of the IPS upgrade/conversion and would LOVE the final outcome if/when I can get these two concerns resolved.
Have fun and be safe!
[ Edited bysong_1118 on 2012-11-22 13:22 ] ===========
I ordered the flowing parts:
DP/N: 0772MN Back Cover with video cabled
DP/N: 03T52W Bezel
DP/N: 075V7G Interposer Board
After installing the new panel it was not recognized by system. The panel and the interposer card are coming from Dell, however the panel is refurbished on.
My M6600 has NVIDIA Quadro 3000M and integrated Intel cards.
It is too pity, i spent a lot of money...what can be the reason?
I did several tests here is the summary with unchecked Optimus:
1. disconnected the native panel from LVDS, connected IPS panel to the eDP header and an external display to external video port and powered on the system. System recognized 2 monitors but the IPS monitor still is black. On the external monitor I see that the display resolution is 640x480 and the refresh rate is 75Hz (while in case of native panel the refresh rate was 60Hz and resolution 1920x1080).
2. Disconnected the IPS panel from the secondary video cable. The eDP port still is connected to the interposer card. Powered on and the system again recognized 2 monitors!! Again on the external monitor I see that the display resolution is 640x480 and the refresh rate is 75Hz.
3. Disconnected the interposer card from the eDP port. Powered on and the system. Only external monitor was recognized by system and the display resolution is 1920x1080 and the refresh rate is 60Hz.
4. Can I conclude that the interposer card is failed?
[ Edited bysong_1118 on 2012-11-22 13:17 ] ==========
[ Edited bysong_1118 on 2012-11-22 13:13 ] =========
$33 shipped within the USA
欢迎各位补充资料----验证有效的资料,将斟情奖励 楼主求资源 外壳什么屏幕都有了 就差屏线板子那里可以弄到
回复 #1 song_1118 的帖子
:'( 求版主 推荐渠道购买解码板! Posted by vrayadv on 2012-11-23 14:31 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif:'( 求版主 推荐渠道购买解码板!
你到 http://forum.notebookreview.com/ 去
回复 #10 song_1118 的帖子
对海外买东西不了解啊版主可否帮主费用我承担!回复 #11 vrayadv 的帖子
哥们,你低调点啊~~版主都亲自在qq上找我问了~~~有人在给你处理啦 等某钓的信息吧~ 跟着宋版爱着DELL
回复 #10 song_1118 的帖子
暂时搁置继续寻找我的 驱动板! 这个MARK一下,以备将来用的上 怎么没人来顶了?都换成功了? 不知道M4700能不能换。。。 要换的话都应该能换,关键是配件 继续顶起呀回复 #1 song_1118 的帖子
记号一下啊 记号也没用..关注这个问题差不多半年了 还没听说过任何一个人弄到这块让人蛋碎的解码板.. LP173WF3 - SL B1 ---> DELLLP173WF3 - SL B3 ---> HP DC2
上礼拜把原装的DC2 屏弄坏了,网上订了个SLB3 屏装上了,除有一个不太明显的stuck pixel, 还算完美。 呵呵,SONG版,点不亮的原因很多的,我今天终于点亮了,,,,这个玩意连屏线都严格要求。。。。我早上点亮的是M6700的,好不容易弄到的解码板和屏线,,,蛋疼啊,明天把C的电子件补好,基本就完成了:D
回复 #21 waffencl 的帖子
俺可以了搞定了,,,,回复 #17 chennovarg 的帖子
M4700换不了,,,解码板集成在主板的,除非你买到主板,但那是不可能的回复 #24 lin_weifu 的帖子
屌总你别炫耀了 一台有个p用。。搞出来造福大众才是正道 哼唧,我才是点亮的第一人好不好,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 Posted by waffencl on 2013-5-7 22:30 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif屌总你别炫耀了 一台有个p用。。搞出来造福大众才是正道
哈哈,我能告诉你我有很多台吗? Posted by hechengg on 2013-5-8 09:32 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
回复 #29 lin_weifu 的帖子