今天终于有报道了。去年某个时候,我的一位在联想手机任职的同学曾告诉我正在接触,不一定是收购,也可能是合作。 确定了?有消息了? :D :D不要来这种小道消息 来点准确的 不过联想收购正常现在国内的大企业基本都是靠收购 车都是收购 更何况电子产品 悲剧了,有一个进历史的牌子 真的啊? 米国会同意伐? bb是加拿大的公司吧?和美国有关系? Posted by AlexFlying on 2013-1-25 09:10 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif真的啊? 米国会同意伐?
加国。。。 又一个品牌要悲剧变大众品牌了 黑莓不找点新的合作伙伴或者新的营销模式,估计嗝屁是眼前的事情 对黑莓是好事。
回复 #3 kobecui 的帖子
新浪科技讯 北京时间1月25日早间消 息,联想CFO黄伟明周四在瑞士达沃 斯的世界经济论坛年会上表示,有可 能考虑收购RIM,双方已展开谈判。
这一消息推动RIM股价上涨了2%。目 前距离RIM发布黑莓10智能手机只有 一周时间,而黑莓10将决定RIM的生 死成败。 哇,联想要是收购了黑莓,我铁定买个BB10支持一把!
回复 #12 pioneer 的帖子
嗯嗯,,我也买 那我就买个LRIM手机吧,就看什么时候出来了现在低迷时期,能收一家是一家,为全球布局做准备应该的 CFO Wong WaiMing said in an interview in Davos:"We're looking at all opportunities --RIM and others,We'll have no hesitation if right opportunity comes along that could benefit us."Wong said Lenovo has spoken to RIM and its bankers about various combinations or strategic ventures
Even if Lenovo will not take RIMM over, it is probably in talks with RIMM to license the company's software and make BB10 devices. And an OEM agreement between RIMM and Lenovo means BB10 handsets will probably be sold all over China and the world. It is positive for the company
Even if Lenovo will not take RIMM over,it is probably in talks with RIMM to license the company's software and make BB10 devices.And an OEM agreement between RIMM andLenovo means BB10 handsets will probably be sold all over China and theworld
With all these positive news out on RIMM,that we can see as very bullish. On the other hand,short sellers kept shorting to average down their loss while it's up, they have to cover. If you see a spike of 20% or even higher in the following days, it will probably be short squeeze.
:D bb是加拿大的公司 联想收购了,估计BB真会成大众品牌了。