X220 Tablet FHD Mods.
A few days ago, I have complete to modify X220 Tablet with a FHD Screen.It is dangerous to seperate original lcd from X220T Touch screen for FHD Mods.PS.It is impossible to modify X230 tablet with a FHD screen. There is no Port-D signal lines on X230T motherboard.
[ Edited byleokim on 2014-4-8 01:51 ] great job fan^c^ 这个好! 期待详细过程:D good job. There is no Port-D signal lines on X230T motherboard?What a pity!
回复 #1 leokim 的帖子
My friend, you are so powerful!I have just got a X220T motherboard yesterday---i3 2310M....could you do me a favor if you have something more useful for me to complete the machine?:-)
your`sincerly Big-Rain...^u^ 看不懂英文的路过! Is it possible to modify X220 with FHD screen?
我猜这位人才不会回复的。。。 you really did a good job
Reply to #8 of loveSONG769
it is possible to modify X220 or X230 or X220T with FHD screen. There is no method to modify X230T.Reply to #5 of 万能狼外婆
For EDP mods, Port-d signal lines are required. But there is no port-d on x230T. ( Other model[ X220,x230,X220T] have a port-d ). 瞬间高大上了!:) great job! 此兄台专业搞定各种FHD屏幕啊~ is itpossible to modify t420 with FHD screen? 专业吊胃口:) Posted by hklbr on 2014-4-8 13:38 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gifis itpossible to modify t420 with FHD screen?
Interested+1, that would be awesome if it could be done! would u please share how you get it?
^,^ V5 思密达
回复 #16 amaninsh 的帖子
T420 已经有成功的案例了,搜楼主以前的帖子就行了 纯炫耀,没分享,白乐呵Reply to #14 of hklbr
It is possible to install QHD ( 2560x1440 , new X1 carbon QHD IPS LCD) on T420 / T420s./T430/T430s ) I have already install QHD on my T430s.x220T mod
leokim, how is it possible to do the FHD upgrade on the x220T? Could you please provide more details? What adapter did you use, did you modify the BIOS?Thanks in advance,
Peter leokim, how is it possible to do the FHD upgrade on the x220? Could you please provide more details? What adapter did you use, did you modify the BIOS?
Thanks in advance,
Peter 本帖最后由 tanghehua 于 2015-9-7 16:25 编辑
leokim 发表于 2014-4-9 16:47
It is possible to install QHD ( 2560x1440 , new X1 carbon QHD IPS LCD) on T420 / T420s./T430/T430s ) ...
@HOPE 这位仁兄是韩国人,无奈鄙人英文比较垃圾,还请老大在方便的时候,和这位仁兄联系下子,希望能够贴出改造方法,我也入一台x220t玩玩。
good job。can you tell us ,how to modify it step by step? Thnaks!