以下为海外科技媒体Ars Technica援引苹果官方的回应全文:
你的iPhone6s或iPhone6s Plus所搭载的A9处理器是世界上最先进的智能手机芯片。每一个最终产品均符合苹果最高的工艺标准,不论具体型号和颜色,其都提供了令人难以置信的性能和更长的续航能力。
With the Apple-designed A9 chip in your iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus, you are getting the most advanced smartphone chip in the world. Every chip we ship meets Apple's highest standards for providing incredible performance and deliver great battery life, regardless of iPhone 6s capacity, color, or model.
Certain manufactured lab tests which run the processors with a continuous heavy workload until the battery depletes are not representative of real-world usage, since they spend an unrealistic amount of time at the highest CPU performance state. It's a misleading way to measure real-world battery life. Our testing and customer data show the actual battery life of the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, even taking into account variable component differences, vary within just 2-3% of each other.
1、在iPhone6s/6s Plus上打开Safari浏览器,然后输入以下地址:【http://demo.hiraku.tw/CPUIdentifier/】
3、在设备-通用中点击已安装好的【Profile】程序,选择【信任】开发者即可看到设备的芯片到底是三星的还是台积电的。 看来果粉也不傻啊。 CPU差别这么大?