本帖最后由 larryh 于 2016-1-10 02:48 编辑话说开发者将近20年来赚了不少钱了。这么多年就这么个功能,Bug已经几乎捉没,再没什么发展了。喜欢传统式本地备份的人也越来越少,作者生意估计也很不好,所以他干脆把公司关门,软件免费了,最后版本:15.0.12。这软件以前是休想免费拿到,从10版本以后,包括0day,没任何人能做出keygen或crack。
链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kU1ksWR 密码:9i9s
InSync is easy and reliable folder and file synchronizer software for Windows that allows you to rapidly make identical copies of folder structures and all files within. Its function are primarily targetted to backup, data distribution, and multi-computer data synchronization. Three modes are supported: Mirror, 2-way, and backup modes. This is useful in performing backups and propagating data from one machine to another. Using InSync you can define and run multiple synchronization jobs that can specify one or more source folders, each of which can be synchronized to one or more target folders. InSync uses state of the art techniques to copy only files which are different between source and target folders. It also takes advantage of multi thread processing, allowing parallel processing of multiple jobs. All file system types are supported using conventional or universal naming convention (UNC) file names. This allows you to access all local and network folders. A built-in scheduler interface is provided allowing automation of InSync execution. When run as an Administrator, InSync also has the ability to copy locked files.
Here are a few scenarios where InSync would help save time, and prevent data loss:
Scenario: You want to make a backup copy of your C: drive working folder to a folder residing on your secure workgroup server. You do not want to copy the full folders since they are large and this would take a long time using up a lot of network resources. This situation is frustrating since you know that only a few files have changed but you cant take the chance of missing one and being left without a backup. InSync excels at this task. It can be configured to synchronize your working and backup folders. It will only copy new files and files that have changed. It will also delete files from the backup folder that no longer exist in the working folder. In addition you can specify filters to prevent files matching a wildcard pattern such as *.bak from being copied.
Scenario: You maintain a set of tool programs on a central server for your large development group. Since access to these tools is frequent your network traffic is high and developers are frustrated by network delays. You would like to place a copy of these tools on each developers C: drive to eliminate delays, but you cannot take the chance that some developer has an outdated version of a tool because an updated version has not been copied from the central server to his C: drive. InSync can be configured to synchronize multiple folders with a single source. You could run InSync each day to synchronize all developer tools folders with the central folder. Only tools updated in the central folder that day would be copied.
Scenario: At work you use your desktop computer but you like to bring your laptop home were you will often edit work files. Using InSync 2-way sync you can easily sync your desktop PC with your laptop before you leave work and when you come back in the morning, thus making sure that both PC always have your latest work wherever you end up using it.
These are only a few examples of how InSync can assist you. We are sure there are many more based on your specific requirements.
5、左边按钮中还有一个Reverse Job,如果你是用InSync用作备份的目的。当来源数据部分坏了的时候(比如误删了某些文件,但又记不得删的是哪些),直接执行Reverse Job,从你目的地同步回来,没坏的文件(就是日期大小名称全一样)不会费劲拷,只拷那些缺失的或文件大小、日期不对的。
6、3种同步/备份模式:镜像(Mirror)、双向(2-way)、备份(Backup)。镜像表示保持目标与来源完全一致,以来源为准,来源有而目标不存在的,从来源拷贝过去;目标目录存在,来源中却没有的,从目标中删除;来源目标都有,但日期不一致的,从来源拷贝覆盖掉目标。双向:两边尽量保持最新,某文件来源有目标没有,或者来源没有目标有,做得来两边都有;某文件两边都有,但日期不一致,都做成最新的那一份。备份:类似镜像,只是来源没有而目标有(一般是历史上存在过某文件),并不从目标删除。7、来源和目的目录有个小贴心功能:可以用你给某盘符设置的唯一Label名作为驱动器名(注意配置任务组那个图中的Use Volume Names),这样对U盘或移动硬盘就很好用——不管插上去盘符怎么变,InSync可以自动识别。
第四个图是我日常用得最多的一个任务组跑完一次的结果,刚才说了,有26个主目录,加上子目录就极其复杂。从图中看出:总共略过22万多个文件共253.03GB(文件一致不用拷贝),在目标上新建92个文件总共136.84MB,更新(目标老来源新)90个文件共5.74GB,从目标删除14个文件共326.86MB,总共耗时4分2秒——笔记本与台式机之间是千兆以太网,笔记本SSD、台式机SSD+SATA RAID1。第五个图是同样一套目录向USB 3.0 2.5寸移动硬盘同步的结果,耗时5分59秒。
不错,收藏了,以前都是习惯Linux下的rsync。 HOPE 发表于 2016-1-10 00:56
rsync确实好,尤其是实时同步,InSync只是个软件不是套机制,就做不到。 :)没用过,收藏了 提取码?
谢谢分享 larryh 发表于 2016-1-10 00:50
话说开发者将近20年来赚了不少钱了。这么多年就这么个功能,Bug已经几乎捉没,再没什么发展了。喜欢 ...
跟Beyond Compare有点儿像~~~^v^ 一直用这个软件,支持,回头下载 多谢分享!收藏!这类软件一定要收藏!!
目前在用GoodSync,也推荐给大家。 没用过,收藏了
一直在用:Backup Magic Editor
MARK 没用过,收藏 本帖最后由 asongson 于 2016-1-18 16:22 编辑
刚才随手汉化了,见截图,但实际运行 ,还是有部分没有汉化,不过已经可以看懂,所以也没有什么关系了。
楼上汉化的有下载吗? stone_lan 发表于 2016-1-18 16:41
一直在用Beyond Compare,支持lz的分享啊 记号,备份软件,看以后有没有用到 谢楼主 有心! 收藏 多谢楼主 谢谢! 汉化的只支持64位,能再汉化个32位的吗 留个脚印 留个脚印 不错 收藏了 谢谢楼主 mark 回头学习下,有用的。 larryh 发表于 2016-1-10 00:50
话说开发者将近20年来赚了不少钱了。这么多年就这么个功能,Bug已经几乎捉没,再没什么发展了。喜欢 ...