估计很快其他的复刻机型也会出现评测, 到时候应该更多人参与定制啊。 先恭喜一下此处应该有链接https://www.notebookcheck.net/Lenovo-X62-Laptop-Review.211598.0.html 恭喜恭喜 ~
坐等中文翻译 不错,国外的fans也喜欢
本帖最后由 zhangyongtao 于 2017-4-10 21:50 编辑
这台机器: 主板是由 HOPE 提供,其他配件由我装配好,亲自邮寄到 USA
他们的评测确实很专业啊。 很全面! zhangyongtao 发表于 2017-4-10 21:42
这台机器: 主板是由 HOPE 提供,其他配件由我装配好,亲自邮寄到 USA
他们的评测确实很专业啊。 很全 ...
呵呵,有你的一半功劳。 zhangyongtao 发表于 2017-4-10 21:42
这台机器: 主板是由 HOPE 提供,其他配件由我装配好,亲自邮寄到 USA
他们的评测确实很专业啊。 很全 ...
张版良心“前版主”!哈哈哈 走向世界了 很全面的评测,多个机型参数对比,文章很强 本帖最后由 zgmfx12a 于 2017-4-11 00:50 编辑
"The only structural weak point is the left palm-rest, where the ExpressCard originally was." 该是PCMCIA而不是ExpressCard
叧外SD CARD READER的性能实在有些低
看完了 写得一如既往的不错
很久以前在facebook上见过LCDFANs 记得还在上面贴过x330 原来是海外官网 哈哈哈 本帖最后由 猪肉炖半仙 于 2017-4-11 09:54 编辑
Thanks,Douglas Black ,Very comprehensive evaluation, really thank you have such a wonderful article.On behalf of 51 nb, I HOPE, as well as Joni, thank you very much and NoteBookCheck. Jacky in China!
老大姓张?…Jacky Zhang应该是张版吧? 猪肉炖半仙 发表于 2017-4-11 09:52
Thanks,Douglas Black ,Very comprehensive evaluation, really thank you have such a wonderful articl ...
呵呵,Jacky是他。我还没回复。 HOPE 发表于 2017-4-11 09:59
他自称Hope (On behalf of 51nb,I Hope)
越俎代庖呀:D 专业评测果然高大上,秒国内山寨几条街 专业评测。 猪肉炖半仙 发表于 2017-4-11 10:27
他自称Hope (On behalf of 51nb,I Hope)
代言了,呵呵。 本帖最后由 zhangyongtao 于 2017-4-11 13:13 编辑
猪肉炖半仙 发表于 2017-4-11 10:27
他自称Hope (On behalf of 51nb,I Hope)
手误。好像还修改不了 哎!!!!
猪肉炖半仙 发表于 2017-4-11 10:27
他自称Hope (On behalf of 51nb,I Hope)
新闻发言人!:D 竟然还需要翻过大墙看,咳
高大上啊 If you are interested in purchasing an X62 or another one of 51nb's creations, you can check out their English website here to get in touch with them.
你们大神都翻过去了,我们想瞧瞧都不行{:1_242:}{:1_242:}{:1_242:} zhangyongtao 发表于 2017-4-10 21:42 static/image/common/back.gif
这台机器: 主板是由 HOPE 提供,其他配件由我装配好,亲自邮寄到 USA
他们的评测确实很专业啊。 很全 ...
{:1_272:} wowoo124 发表于 2017-4-11 16:14
If you are interested in purchasing an X62 or another one of 51nb's creations, you can check out the ...
有需要可以打包一份pdf传上來 牛逼啊,可惜看不懂,哈哈 fityes 发表于 2017-4-11 17:04
这篇稿子的价值远超这台机器 本帖最后由 dancefans 于 2017-4-13 12:15 编辑
Then suddenly, around August, things became very real: an X62 was selling on US ebay for something like 5000 dollars. I hesitated (it lacked a UK keyboard) and in a day it was gone. I was surprised how much it hurt.
So I contacted the seller, and through him got on the list for the second-release motherboard, with the low-energy i7-5500U chipset. My middle-man told me it was time. I paid him over the odds, and an X62 motherboard duely arrived.All the hurt of Lenovo's wide-screen, chiclet years was forgotten.
Over Christmas, with an amalgum of pristine X60/61 parts collected off ebay.co.uk, and the help of a friend, I built my FrankenPad - Frank.
I gave it Windows 10, a Samsung 850 Pro 1TB SSD and 32 Gig of RAM - hey, if you are going up against the Apple Macbook, you need to make 'em sweat. It also has a half-sized Intel Dual Band AC7260 WLAN card, which lives under the left-hend side of the keyboard, and solves the infamous X61 hot-spot under the right palmrest.