bg4drl 发表于 2018-1-17 19:21

谷歌Cast功能出现漏洞,多家路由器厂商受无妄之灾 又来个集体诉讼


为抵御Google Chromecast设备出现的问题,Wi-Fi路由器供应商均开始发布补丁。TP-Link和Linksys率先提供了路由器固件修复,同时TP-Link发布了对该缺陷的解释。

问题出自Chromecast,Google Home和其他设备中使用的Google“投射”(Cast)功能,而非路由器。 Cast功能将会发送Multicast DNS(多播域名解析协议)数据包,以与Google Home之类的产品保持连接状态。但在配置此功能,使其在设备休眠状态时关闭的运作上,谷歌工作人员似乎出现了纰漏。


该问题最终可能会导致路由器的一些主要功能被拖垮 —— 包括无线网络连接。





bg4drl 发表于 2018-1-17 19:28

搞了半天发现问题所在,Google Home Max的Stream Cast老是断网,原来是这个问题!msg/googlehome/MmnsVnSxdQc/vRl8G_wwAgAJ

Google Home Max kills my Wi-Fi network

下一步 所有路由器的wifi驱动都必须更新。
以防止Chrome Cast所用的mDNS协议在等待或休眠恢复时集中发包,造成路由器乃至modem的
这下路由器公司得找谷歌集中诉讼了吧。以前5G wifi断网也许正是这个未找到的问题。

TP-Link这次走在最前面,已经有netgear linksys紧急发布了fix或beta固件,以平息问题。

bg4drl 发表于 2018-1-17 19:30

本帖最后由 bg4drl 于 2018-1-17 19:42 编辑

第三方路由器固件 大家忙着年底红包了 同学们好好置换开源驱动哈^c^^c^^c^^t^^t^

一直是以为开启了 2T2R的 VH160Mhz 模式造成 WiFi 连结后的问题,翻遍了mwlwifi驱动 也无济于事,

感谢yuhhaurlin大大,急忙修改Upgrade了88W8964 firmware to 但WDS又是个无法工作的驱动

szywang 发表于 2018-1-17 19:35


bg4drl 发表于 2018-1-18 21:40

Change WWLAN driver version to, THX yuhhaurlin again.

bg4drl 发表于 2018-1-18 21:44

Google says a fix is coming on January 18th for Wi-Fi problems associated with Cast devices

bg4drl 发表于 2018-1-18 22:10

A few days back we reported that the Google Home Max (among other Cast-enabled devices) might be connected with some recent reports for widespread Wi-Fi troubles. Google has indirectly responded to this issue in a page on the Device Support section for Google Home support, in which the company acknowledges the existence and cause of the problem, promising a fix tomorrow.

This particular issue has picked up a lot of traction in the news, having been reported on by outlets covering a range from Engadget to The Sun, so it's not just a niche problem.

According to the new help page, the issue is confirmed as being caused by having an Android device and a Cast-enabled device—like a Google Home or Chromecast—on the same network. A solution is in the works and should arrive tomorrow (Thursday, January 18th) with a Google Play services update. So if you've been having Wi-Fi troubles potentially related to a Cast device on your network, you don't have long to wait for a fix. That is, assuming Google keeps its schedule.

In the meantime, we've reached out to Google asking for the precise version number that will include that fix. If we find out, we'll be sure to update this article. Some people have also reported that the issue is mitigated by the latest Google Play services beta, but reports are varied, with not all reporting success. If you'd like to give it a try yourself, you can download it (v11.9.73 beta) over at APK Mirror, or join the beta testing group.

bg4drl 发表于 2018-1-20 10:47



ycren 发表于 2018-1-20 10:53

bg4drl 发表于 2018-1-20 10:47


bg4drl 发表于 2018-1-20 11:07

本帖最后由 bg4drl 于 2018-1-20 11:11 编辑

1300Mbps 苹果网卡
1700Mbps 2T2R
都显现 信号良好 串流正常

bg4drl 发表于 2018-1-20 11:15

Received (RX)22929 OK, no error
Transmitted (TX)40895 OK, no error

NO ERROR ,“拳击IP”包正常

bg4drl 发表于 2018-1-20 11:43

cat /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/mwlwifi/info

driver name: mwlwifi
chip type: 88W8964
hw version: 7
driver version:
firmware version: 0x09030204
power table loaded from dts: no
firmware region code: 0x10

更换了 WWLAN驱动,非常棒。 安卓环境 IP冲击包 NO ERROR
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查看完整版本: 谷歌Cast功能出现漏洞,多家路由器厂商受无妄之灾 又来个集体诉讼