如题,S10+放歌曲没留意耗完电后充不进去电、开不了机,目前充了一夜也没动静。出差在外,手机开机刻不容缓,除了去找售后,还有其他招不?3月8日店里买的{:1_244:}凑活看吧, 看行不行?
Samsung Galaxy S10, and S10 Plus, not charging with Black and Unresponsive screen
To get rid of S10 won’t charge after the update, S10 won’t fast charge or S10 won’t charge moisture, the below-listed solutions will be helpful for you.
Solution 1: Force Reboot the Device
Did you try to charge with a wireless charger? If yes and still S10 won’t fast charge then you might want to try this. Once you reboot the phone, this will give a fresh start to the system as well as it stimulates battery.
Press and hold the Volume down button and do not release.
Simultaneously press the Power button and keep holding Volume down button.
Hold them for at least 10 seconds.
Solution 2: Change the Cable
Make sure you are using the original Samsung’s cable to charge the device. Alongside, try to connect adapter with another socket and then check if you have really fixed S10 Plus won’t charge. Moreover, leave the charger connected to the device for 10 to 20 minutes and see if it works.
Solution 3: Try this
If the above solution doesn’t help to fix Galaxy S10 stop charging frequently then connect the charger to your device and follow the steps below,
Hold down the Power button and Volume down button together for 10 seconds while the device is connected to the charger.
一般能想到的办法就是换个充电器、线,再试试 i28180787 发表于 2019-4-30 09:18
如题,S10+放歌曲没留意耗完电后充不进去电、开不了机,目前充了一夜也没动静。出差在外,手机开机刻不容缓 ...
二楼兄弟还提示,你可以试下无线充电。 淘宝买4057充电线拆机直充电池正负两极 叫修手机拆机露出电池 14800 发表于 2019-4-30 13:11
淘宝买4057充电线拆机直充电池正负两极 叫修手机拆机露出电池
这还不如去售后 以前牛五也这样过放关机充一夜充不进,换充电头数据线解决了 多谢各位。 昨天去售后,说了主板烧了,返厂了。前天夜里放着歌打会牌,2点多发现没电顺手用同事的充电器充电,vovol R17, 售后说电压太高,可能烧了。已经返厂换主板了 我的华为换了什么充电头都可以:) i28180787 发表于 2019-5-1 09:50
多谢各位。 昨天去售后,说了主板烧了,返厂了。前天夜里放着歌打会牌,2点多发现没电顺手用同事的充电器充 ...
免费维修? 这一代S10,基本所有的的元器件都是设计在主板上的,坏一个就得换主板,不知道怎么想的 红绿厂的充电头切勿乱使用,用原装三星线会烧线,用红绿厂的绿嘴线直接烧机器!!!!!!!! 难道C口内部没有芯片握手协议控制?