本帖最后由 Kingair001 于 2020-6-18 07:45 编辑Looking for: X62 4th batch
Working and mint condition!
Please give me all the information and price
Need to be shipped to California CA 92154-USA
Thank you for checking! You can conact me via WeChat ID Kingair001
PS: Sorry, my Chinese writing is not good
外国人啊! 怎感觉是国人写的中式英语
You have to learn how to use salt fish! welcome my friend ,do you have interesting to x62T? 中国でどのようにx63を買うことができて、私は1台を購入してレトロ体験に使用したいですか X63 X63 本帖最后由 mrchangee 于 2020-5-12 22:47 编辑
欢迎 这个要呼叫张版,估计只能他搞定了 Kingair001 发表于 2020-5-12 07:17
Looking for X62 or X63
Working condition
Please give me all the information and price
You can contact me , lcdfans@qq.com
I have some laptops about X62/X63
本帖最后由 Kingair001 于 2020-5-13 03:25 编辑
huzhi28251 posted at 2020-5-12 10:22
welcome my friend, do you have interesting to x62T?
I just send you a private Message Thank you
mrchangee 发表于 2020-5-12 22:46
Thank you ! 18059138812 发表于 2020-5-12 21:35
I just send you a private Message
Thank you 18059138812 发表于 2020-5-12 21:35
Perfect !
I just send you a private Message
Thank you I have X63,i5 5200du1050*1400,wechat 366923572 x63 i7have one sx2012 发表于 2020-5-13 17:50
x63 i7have one
awesome{:1_261:} sx2012 发表于 2020-5-13 17:50
x63 i7have one
I’m wet. daiyaoyao2000 发表于 2020-5-12 17:01
日语表达不对 lyr1004 发表于 2020-5-13 13:19
I have X63,i5 5200du1050*1400,wechat 366923572
Just send you a Whisper sx2012 发表于 2020-5-13 17:50
x63 i7have one
I just send you a Whisper 咸盐碎雨 发表于 2020-5-14 17:41
I’m wet.
I'm hard. 终于发现了一个学英语最好的地方。。。 chris1414 published at 2020-5-29 11:27
finally found a best place to learn English. . .
I wish I could read & write Chinese fluent
Sadly enough it is not ... Still looking for a X62 or X63 Kingair001 发表于 2020-6-8 14:57
Still looking for a X62 or X63
please contactwith me byEmail 158118823@qq.com. Any nice examples out there ?
Thank you ! اسألعن السعر ولا تشتريه , الرد بـ x62 ، انتهى Welcome to one of the best ThinkPad forums in the world!!