本帖最后由 gashi 于 2021-5-27 01:30 编辑本机T500,近年老是高温啪嗒就关机了,加硅脂没啥好转,安装软件CORE TEMP监控,也总在高温段。
在ini配置文件里 level 是更改转速的,前一个数字是温度后一个数字是风扇档位。在我的T500里,我用1-2-3-7-64-128这6档。64是极速档(5000转),128是控制权交还BIOS,可我的BIOS自己只能控制到3000转。(T500: level0 off, 1 1800rpm, 2 2500rpm, 3-4-5 3000rpm, 6-7 3500, 64 5000rpm, 128 bios controll)
软件唯一的毛病大概就是温度反馈太慢,好像有个参数可调cycle=1-5, 我这里没效果?
//for thinkpad t500
//>>>>Celsius / Fahrenheit: temperatures in 癈 (active) / 癋<<<<
// !!!! "Level" FAN 0 > 80 -> switch to Fahrenheit !!!! see below
// ATTENTION: example temp values are for my T61, especially
// BluetoothEDR=1,SensorName5=no5, IgnoreSensors=no5 too
// temp levels 10 degrees centgrade higher than in T4x, R5x,
// change for your purposes.
// advice for programmers: TPFanControl must acquire mutex named
// "Access_Thinkpad_EC" to get access to embedded controller
// with Active=3 & ManFanSpeed=0 & ManModeExit=78 you can have a nice
// quiet time until temps reaches 78 deg. centigrade:-))
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// "Active=0" program just reads config.
// "Active=1" allow program to modify fan.
// "Active=2" program will come up in smart mode.
// "Active=3" program will come up in manual mode.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// manual fan speed at program start
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Program exits manual mode and switches to smart mode with last chosen
// profile, if this temp (degrees Centigrade or Fahrenheit) is achieved.
// default= 80 degrees Centigrade / 176 degrees Fahrenheit.
ManModeExit=68 //ManModeExit=172 // with Fahrenheit
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Window stays on Top if StayOnTop=1, normal behavior =0
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Set to 1 for slim widget
SlimDialog=1 //1小窗口,0完整介面
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// set to 1 for bluetooth with enhanced data rate (i.e. T61,
// X61for T4x, R5x set BluetoothEDR=0 )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Windows Priority of Process (0-5, normal=2), increase if fancontrol has
// big delays in response while other processes consume performance.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Show no icon ballons: NoBallons=1, show icon ballons: NoBallons=0
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// check temperatures every x seconds (default 5)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// For Thinkpads A2x,T2x,X2x set NoExtSensor=1 to exclude reading
// of extended sensors to prevent program errors. Attention 570(E)
// is NOT compatible. Fan speed is not available on all models.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Minimize to systray immediately when starting
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// check icon of tpfcicon.exe (optional) every x seconds (default 1)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Show new icon with max. temperature / sensor name
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Save the icon by a start delay of the program/service of
// "SecStartDelay" (sec.) within "SecWinUptime" (sec.) after (re)boot
// Delete slashes '//' at next 3 parameters.
//SecWinUptime=120 //"SecWinUptime" (sec.) after (re)boot
//SecStartDelay=60 //start delay of the program (sec.)
//NoWaitMessage=0 //set to 1 to avoid sleep message
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Temperature thresholds for turning the taskbar icon
// yellow orange red (Smart and Manual mode only and
// only together with MinimizeToTray=1)
IconLevels=65 75 80 // Fahrenheit: IconLevels=122 140 158
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Beep frequency and duration (in ms) for successful
// fan state changes. (Set either or both to zero to
// disable)
FanBeep=0 0
// --------------------------------------------------------
// If this max number of consecutive EC read errors occur
// program will switch fan back to bios mode and exit
MaxReadErrors= 10
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Log2File=1 enables, Log2File=0 disables writing to TPFanControl.log
// Start program with admin rights.
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Log2csv=1 enables, Log2csv=0 disables
// writing to TPFanControl_csv.txt renamed to
// TPFanControl_last_csv.txt after restart of TPFanControl
// rename to *.csv for use with excel
// Start program with admin rights.
// --------------------------------------------------------
// List (separated by comma) of sensors to ignore when
// determining the max. temperature.(Use lower case,
// e.g "IgnoreSensors=pci,aps")
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// List of new 3 letter sensor names, delete leading
// slashes to aktivat. Don't use capital letters for readability
// of temp icon.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// calculating Highest Temp with:
// temperature of sensor no. = real temp minus SensorOffsetno.
// Default SensorOffset1-12=0 , Capital O in SensorOffset,
// to activate delete slashes '//',
// Negative SensorOffsetno. values increase temperature values.
SensorOffset1=5//FOR T500
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// set to 1 to show calculated temps for sensors
// =1 gesetzt zeigt die Temperaturen mit Offsetkorrektur an
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Show all/active sensors at start up. all=1 only active=0
// --------------------------------------------------------
// temperature levels 'Level=' with associated fan levels
// (for the fan to come back, temperature must fall
// down to previous level).There may be more or
// less levels in this list.The first one should
// have a fan speed of zero and is the "turn off"
// temperature.
// Fan speed of 64 is extreme and may be an *unsupported*
// and *damaging* mode.A fan speed of 128 setting is
// not really a fan speed in itself but will instead switch
// fan control to BIOS mode (0x80).The idea of this
// is to let the program get out of the way and let the
// BIOS handle extremes.(and then switch back to smart if
// the temperature is okay again)
// profile "Smart Mode 1"
// Celsius: // Fahrenheit:
// change values and number of items for your needs
// !!!! "Level" FAN 0 > 80 -> switch to Fahrenheit !!!!
Level=40 1
Level=50 2 // Level=140 0
Level=60 3 // Level=150 1
Level=70 7 // Level=165 3
Level=80 64 // Level=175 7
Level=90 64 // Level=195 64
Level2=110 128
// optional 2nd profile "Smart Mode 2", switched by icon menue
// change values and number of items for your needs
// to deactivate, insert leading '//' into following lines
Level2=33 0 // Level2=70 0
Level2=44 1 // Level2=90 1
Level2=55 2 // Level2=100 2
Level2=66 3 // Level2=110 3
Level2=77 7 // Level2=130 7
Level2=88 64 // Level2=150 64
Level2=110 128 // Level2=170 128
// on T500: level0 off, 1 1800rpm, 2 2500rpm, 3-4-5 3000rpm, 6-7 3500, 64 5000rpm, 128 bios controll
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// IconColorFan=1 digital Icon will turn green while fan is running.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Lev64Norm=1 : Fan level 64 acts as normal level with hysteresis,
// fan will run till next lower temp step is reached (no pulsing fan).
// If set to zero fan level 64 acts as emergency level without hysteresis,
// fan will run till level64 temp is reached again (pulsing fan can happen).
https://www.ibmnb.com/thread-1984888-1-1.html 多谢,以前没搜过。再补充0.71版,新点的机器也可以用
https://www.ibmnb.com/thread-1978659-1-1.html 收藏了谢谢 在用
这么小巧单纯的软件很难得 https://www.ibmnb.com/thread-1191943-1-1.html
还有这个thinkpad温度查看器 在用惠普的 这风扇软件很多只支持XP吧!WIN7.WIN8.WIN10不支持吧 wdIBM 发表于 2021-5-30 12:26