dorson 发表于 2024-2-27 18:32


求教下,HP 820 G3开机LOGO过后会出现(A7)Me FW Downgrade-Request MeSpiLock Failed,怎么解决这个问题?虽然能进入系统,但是真的速度慢了,更新了BIOS还是出现这样的提示。

Mashcar12 发表于 2024-2-28 20:38

How much time from power on button to show error on screen ? Is it from 10 seconds to 30 seconds ?
Long POST from black screen to message on screen means problem with ME firmware (corrupted itself or bad repair procedure). You may need to clear ME Region in flash chip BIOS. You need to dump two bios chips, use HxD editor to make them one file, find ME region address from start to end and using correct version of ME firmware from winraid forum resources insert it (it is clean firmware code), save file again as 2 ROM files for chips. Program chips, disconnect CMOS battery, main battery, use only original charger let laptop turn on, it will work for few minutes, turn off, it makes that cycle 3 times and then it shows image if its succesful - chipset writes its unique code into me region firmware. Your laptop will work then correctly, fully.

Also you may try to update from EFI shell, but you may not success because ME region is corrupted and updater will show error and won't update code.

lazyeggs 发表于 2024-2-29 09:35

lazyeggs 发表于 2024-2-29 09:35
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