本帖最后由 aideheqq 于 2024-7-30 23:24 编辑https://github.com/thrimbor/thinkpad-uefi-sign?tab=readme-ov-file
Tools to check and cryptographically sign UEFI firmware images found in ThinkPads. This will resolve the issue where your ThinkPad lets out two groups of five beeps before continuing to boot (the error indicating an invalid signature). These tools are written in Python 3 and rely on the "pycryptodome" library. Depending on your operating system you may have packages provided for that, or have to install Python 3 manually and install pycryptodome with pip install pycryptodome. If you're on Windows, you can find ready-to-run binaries here.Signing a modified UEFI firmware image
./sign.py input_image.bin -o signed_image.bin If you're using the Windows binaries, make sure to use sign.exe instead. If you see IMAGE SIGNED!, the signing procedure was successful.Veryfing the signature of a UEFI firmware image
./verify.py signed_image.bin If you're using the Windows binaries, make sure to use verify.exe instead. If you see SIGNATURES CORRECT!, the verification was successful. If you see SIGNATURES INCORRECT!, the signature couldn't be verified, and your image needs to get signed to not make your ThinkPad beep.Additional info
[*]The tools currently assume that, while the content of the UEFI volumes in the firmware may have changed, the volume layout (meaning offset in the image and size) are unaltered.
[*]The signing tool generates a throw-away key every time it signs an image. This is usually not an issue, but if, for whatever reason, you want to use a specific private key to sign the image, be aware that the signing tool currently does not support that.
As always, make sure that your original firmware dump is good and always have a backup!USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
aideheqq 发表于 2024-7-30 23:22
如题:L440bios修改后会滴滴响10声 ...
对于更新的签名工具 确实感兴趣》。。但已经没有适用的thinkpad在手上,并无测试的基础