iPhone上打开后收藏的如果是移动版网页,登录同一Apple ID账号的macOS收藏夹自动同步过来的也会是移动版网页,如m.thepaper.cn。手动改为www当然有些麻烦 ,求助DeepSeek给出了下面的篡改猴脚本,基本能满足需求:// ==UserScript==
// @name Mobile to Desktop Redirect (Optimized)
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 1.3
// @descriptionAutomatically redirect mobile URLs to desktop URLs before page loads, reducing delay
// @author You
// @match *://*/*
// @run-at document-start
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
const mobilePrefixes = ['m.', 'mobile.', 'touch.']; // Add more prefixes if needed
const hostname = window.location.hostname;
// Check if the hostname starts with any mobile prefix
const prefix = mobilePrefixes.find(p => hostname.startsWith(p));
if (prefix) {
// Replace the mobile prefix with 'www.'
const newHostname = hostname.replace(prefix, 'www.');
// Redirect to the new URL before page loads
window.location.hostname = newHostname;
})(); chao_hl 发表于 2025-2-25 18:24
iPhone上打开后收藏的如果是移动版网页,登录同一Apple ID账号的macOS收藏夹自动同步过来的也会是移动版网 ...