【请教】虚拟机是VMware好还还Visual PC 的好?
住要想装个win2003,还有linux玩玩 VM好,感觉VPC越跑越慢。 不用想,VMWare。装linux的话要注意好像到VMWare 5开始才支持2.6 kernel。 在台机上用vm装了,可惜机子配置太低,运行太慢了。。。 经过比较,VPC占资源比较少,VM功能强,目前机器配置底,暂时VPC,喜欢VM的网络功能!
谢谢各位指点 ^_^,我一直使用的VMware. 用vmware的话,建议1G内存
vpc功能不行 习惯了VMWare了 VMware.绝对比VPC好用。。。。
VPC跑的N慢。 VMWare挺好的,速度还可以,我的机器时512M内存 感觉还是VMware好些 有人说 VMware快~~· 也有说VPC快。。。
像我 T231.2G、512M用哪个比较实在点啊? 我对于LINUX的使用不要太高的要求,简单
[ 本帖最后由 dreamyfish 于 2005-11-21 20:28 编辑 ] VMware 如果测试用,VMWARE方便,如果玩游戏,VPC吧。 推荐一下virtualbox,用open source版的就可以了。 支持楼上的,virtualbox不错的说,
不过virtualbox本来就是开源的,没什么收费版,:) VMWare越来越庞大了,改用VirtualBox了。 VirtualBox 速度不错,开源,而且个头小 Posted by nyzhou on 2008-3-5 13:46 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
from http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Editions
If you are interested in using VirtualBox -- either for private or business use --, you have the choice between two versions:
* The full VirtualBox package is available in binary (executable) form free of charge from the Downloads page. This version is free for personal use and evaluation under the terms of the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License.
If, instead, you wish to purchase licenses for enterprise use and/or enterprise support for VirtualBox, please do not hesitate to contact innotek.
* The VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE) is the one that has been released under the GPL and comes with complete source code. It is functionally equivalent to the full VirtualBox package, except for a few features that primarily target enterprise customers. This gives us a chance to generate revenue to fund further development of VirtualBox.