【原创】根据测试DELL C610不支持ati7500显卡
昨天在家中无事,正好有一台C640备用。所以也打算学习论坛上的DIY精神所以把C640的7500显卡拆下来装在C610上。开机发现机器电源灯亮。但屏幕无显示怀疑C610主板bios无7500显卡的信息。第一次失败决定。重新研究C640的BIOS后继续测试。但是不知道DELL bios用什么打开。。。。 没有人知道,DELL BIOS如何打开么 早就知道了 唉 !i4100的 GF2MX 还是可以用的 ,用uniflash把两个BIOS都备份出来........找个高人对比分析 。。。
提示 ,看看C640的液晶屏跟C610型号要一致! 他们的液晶也是通用的 不過 怎么樣 對比BIOS不是我的強項 Does anyone know if it would be possible to install a radeon 7500 in an inspiron 4100? I suspect it would fit physically, I'm just not sure how the video BIOS and the regular BIOS interact. If it is a unified BIOS, perhaps the video BIOS could be extracted from the i8100 BIOS and added to the i4100 BIOS to replace the ATi M6 BIOS. Any thoughts? Well, I got the card today.I installed it and it powered up with no video. I connected an external monitor and tried again. No video.
I unplugged the LCD and used the external monitor. No video. I docked and connected to the vga port in the dock.. No video
I put an old Virge DX card in my dock and was able to get a display on the Virge DX card.I went into the BIOS and saw this
Video Memory: DISABLED
I allowed it to boot into Windows XP andthe virge card came up.I had another monitor on the dock video port and nothing came up.
The add new hardware wizard said it found the Mobility Radeon 7500 (6292). I rebooted and there is an (!) next to the card. The error is This device cannot start. (Code 10)
Click Troubleshoot to start the troubleshooter for this device.
Under the resource tab, it says "This device isn't using any resources because it has a problem"
I am about 99% sure that it is a video bios problem.Since there does not appear to be any flash chips on the card itself.
I can only ask for suggestions at this point.One idea I had is to use the radeon flash utility and have someone make a dump of their Radeon 7500 bios (from a c640 or 4150) and see if I can use the dos program vgabios to load it into memory and see if the card comes up. 想法是好的 但是不知道怎么搞 制作一个 已经有 4150 显卡驱动的 4100 主板BIOS 不知道棉花堂那面弄的怎么样了?