原机器为 DELL LATITUDE CPT S500GT,准备升级为P3 cpu,支持speedstep经过多方查找,终于确定cpt s与cpx j属于相同机种,但是CPx J支持SpeedStep,如果装赛扬,显示CPT S,装带SPEEDSTEP 的P3则显示为cpx j系列计算机,由此开始了升级历程。。。
1。首先升级CPt S的BIOS,可以直接在DELL网站下载,目前最新版本是A16,即cpsj_a16,此文件CPT S和CPX J系列通用,不过建议升级到A13即可,因为从A14开始,部分型号主板与XP系统并不能协调工作(当然包括我这个,为寻找合适的BIOS和SPEEDSTEP驱动大费周章),只能工作在低频状态。
3。安装intel speedstep驱动,并设置为最佳性能模式。在XP操作系统中,好像INTEL的驱动有时不太好用,因此向大家推荐一款第三方的驱动程序SpeedswitchXP,可以从此处下载,目前最新版本1.4。到最后我发现即使不开启SPEEDSTEP,CPU也是全频运行,不过是开启后可以降频就是(使用电池的时候是很重要的,降频后功率只有原来的一半多点)
4。重新启动后,就可以自由控制SPEEDSTEP了。按照次步骤升级后,机器已完全脱胎换骨成为CPX J 系列的机器了,最高支持850主频,目前我用650散热一点问题都没有
[ 本帖最后由 nicksnake 于 2005-12-11 01:38 编辑 ] 今天已经与坛里的弟兄商谈好,晚上回家升级BIOS,升级成功后把 U拿来试验,我要的可是没动过手术的U啊,为的就是看能不能开SPEEDSTEP 祝楼主成功升级CPU 今天已成功省级BIOS为A16,已经拍下xjr1110老兄的P3-650 CPU, E文好的兄弟可以到这里看看
回来报告一下,省级P3后系统默认为CPX J650GT
系统默认启动从DELL LATITUDE CPT500GT变为ALTITUDE CPX J650GT,验证了国外论坛的 说法,CPT s系列跟 CPX J 系列的区别只在于CPU,不过目前还没有打开speedstep,按说是应该支持的 目前没找到合适的speedstep版本,操作系统是XP精简版,不知是不是系统的原因已经成功升级
操作系统XPSP2[ 本帖最后由 nicksnake 于 2005-12-10 21:28 编辑 ]
CPT V系列和CPX H系列也可以升级
CPT V系列和CPX H系列也可以升级,只是在刷BIOS的时候一定要刷CPX J系列的BIOS,具体的命令是添加一个强制刷新的参数,完整的DOS命令是,CPSJ_A13 /jabil,其余部分一样。不过事先要作好BIOS备份,因为毕竟还是有风险。[ 本帖最后由 nicksnake 于 2005-12-10 21:34 编辑 ]
转帖:3800 A16 bios on 3700 = 3700 with SpeedStep
1.Made a backup of current bios rom image - trying to minimize the the prospect of a total loss if something went wrong with the flash, I used the uniflash.exe utility to make a backup copy of the i3700 A04 bios to a bin file.I then made a floppy with an autoexec.bat file that would boot (via the boot block in the Phoenix bios) in the event of a bad flash using the command
I have just completed an experiment in which I successfully got an i3700 to run at 650mhz using a PIII 650 mmc-2 cpu.I'll detail the steps I took below for those who are interested.I beleive this would work for any other PIII speedstep CPU such as a PIII 850, but I have not tested those yet.
First let me say something about the experiment.An Inspiron 3700 is already a fairly nice piece of equipment and is probably an expensive guiney pig for most anybody, including me.But I happened to get one recently at a fairly cheap price because the person thought it was inoperable.I had read posts about loading the CPx J bios on a CPx H, and had just got very curious about the possibility.Technically I could have loaded the CPx J bios on the i3700 (same as the CPx H) to get the additonal C-series features.But I just decided to try this first and maybe do that later, if this worked.Anyway, this was purely an "academic" experiment to satisfy my own curiosity and I am not recommending that anyone attempt this themselves using the steps that I have listed below:
Test device: i3700 C466GT with 32mb memory, w2k sp1
1.Made a backup of current bios rom image - trying to minimize the the prospect of a total loss if something went wrong with the flash, I used the uniflash.exe utility to make a backup copy of the i3700 A04 bios to a bin file.I then made a floppy with an autoexec.bat file that would boot (via the boot block in the Phoenix bios) in the event of a bad flash using the command
I thought about ways to test this but there were two problems: a) in order to test if the boot block would really pick up the autoexec.bat file and load the backup.bin file I would have to purposely trash my bios image which is really what I was trying to avoid anyway, and b) I could have just reflashed my backup file over the current bios but if that didn't work then I would be right where I would have been if I had tried to flash the i3800 A16 bios except that I still wouldn't know whether it would work or not.So I didn't test it.As it turned out I didn't need it.
2. Flashed the bios - I used the i3800 A16 utility to make a floppy to flash the bios.I Rebooted the i3700 (ac power AND battery) but didn't follow the prompts to upgrade the bios using the upgrade.exe utility (wouldn't let me even if I did).Once I got to an A: prompt I then entered i3800a16 /jabil to force the flash over the old i3700 A04 bios.The flash update ran and rebooted the machine.I saw "i3800 C466GT" on the splash screen Immediately after rebooting and then w2k started up.However, I had no mouse arrow and the screen resolution had gone back to 640x480.This wasn't the processor I wanted to test anyway so I shut down.But I was definitely pleased that my laptop was not dead.
3. Installed speedstep processor - I opened up the keyboard and did a quick swap of the C 466 for a PIII 650 I was using in a CPiR (that would only recognize it as a PIII 500).Then I rebooted and looked in the bios setup and saw that it listed the processor as a PIII 650/500 with current speed 500.So I went to the power setting page and set the Intel Smartstep option from disabled to automatic.Then rebooted.
4. Installed Speedstep driver - W2k had to do alot of hardware updating but eventually I got to the desktop (with the mouse -- and sound) and then loaded the smartstep driver for w2k and a system info utility called cpuz and rebooted.When I got into windows again I saw that I had control of speedstep.Since I was on AC power I was running at full speed.I started cpuz and verified that my cpu speed was 647.2 Mhz, multiplier 6.5.Coolness!!!
Anyway, the 3700... er, I mean, 3800 is running now and so we'll see how it performs.Yes, I'll add some more memory...
(For those who haven't read my website, the Inspiron 3700 is the same as the Latitude CPxH, and the 3800 is the CPxJ)
总之一句话:LATITUDE CPt S,CPt V,CPx H, Inspiron 3700都可以完美升级到PIII并支持SpeedStep,但是如果你使用WIN95及以前的操作系统请谨慎,因为那将丧失声卡功能
[ 本帖最后由 nicksnake 于 2005-12-11 01:23 编辑 ] C-500 P3未开全频 恭喜恭喜,主板一样,都带SPEEDSTEP电路,确实刷个BIOS,多个SPEEDSTEP选项就OK了。 dell美国论坛上有。俺是看那个升级的。 羡慕啊,我的CSX电路上不支持,没办法,只能上赛羊啦!:( 唯一的遗憾就是现在700以上的CPU价格上有电高,没米下锅 我的键盘卡槽刚刚被拉坏了,555,现在只能用外接键盘。。。。。