http://ec.softking.com.tw/reg_teach/detail.asp?id=82※ Battery Doubler 让您的手提计算机电池电力持久两倍!它可以帮您测试使用前及使用后的差别,节省计算机的耗电量,让电池更持久。
Battery Doubler: double your battery's autonomy.
Battery Doubler can double your battery's autonomy with little to no concessions. Install Battery Doubler, unplug AC power and experience total laptop freedom!
Double your autonomy
Before, your only solution to have a decent battery for your laptop was to buy an extra one. Now, there's a lighter, more efficient, and cheaper alternative: Battery Doubler! Because it doesn't use standard techniques (dim screen light, etc.), but finds out what to turns off what isn't needed, such as, for example, the USB ports, you can get up to twice autonomy without sacrifice comfort.
Decrease recharge time
Your battery recharges much faster if your computer isn't turned on. That's a fact. Let Battery Doubler redefine a few computer facts - with its Turbo Charge technology, increase up to 10% battery recharge speed when your computer is turned on.
Recalibrate damaged batteries
After using your battery a lot without paying attention to discharge and recharge it fully every time, its performance becomes very low. With Battery Doubler, simply run the recalibration wizard that does the entire job for you - automatically!
Easy to use
From the configuration window to the battery status indicator, features, Battery Doubler excels at ease-of use. Our interface fully respects Microsoft's guidelines and is very intuitive. Because you don't always want to read a 300-pages manual before using a software, you will understand how to use Battery Doubler in no time.
And much more
Battery Doubler features other great functions, such as telling you in hours:minutes your battery's autonomy! It is impossible to list all of Battery Doubler's functions on a single webpage, so why don't you download it and find out how much better your laptop is with it?
[ 本帖最后由 登陆 于 2006-3-18 12:35 编辑 ] google了下,还真有不少介绍呢!
http://www.google.com/search?hl=zh-CN&q=Battery+Doubler&btnG=Google+%E6%90%9C%E7%B4%A2&lr= 能用不??呵呵 等时间的验证。不敢做试验品。 有人用过的吗?有用吗 能用吧,先试试 有那么神吗?关注。 显然是不可能的! 原帖由 myjoys 于 2006-3-18 12:30 发表
agree 看看说明,好像是可能的!
Battery Doubler: double your battery's autonomy.
Battery Doubler can double your battery's autonomy with little to no concessions. Install Battery Doubler, unplug AC power and experience total laptop freedom!
Double your autonomy
Before, your only solution to have a decent battery for your laptop was to buy an extra one. Now, there's a lighter, more efficient, and cheaper alternative: Battery Doubler! Because it doesn't use standard techniques (dim screen light, etc.), but finds out what to turns off what isn't needed, such as, for example, the USB ports, you can get up to twice autonomy without sacrifice comfort.
Decrease recharge time
Your battery recharges much faster if your computer isn't turned on. That's a fact. Let Battery Doubler redefine a few computer facts - with its Turbo Charge technology, increase up to 10% battery recharge speed when your computer is turned on.
Recalibrate damaged batteries
After using your battery a lot without paying attention to discharge and recharge it fully every time, its performance becomes very low. With Battery Doubler, simply run the recalibration wizard that does the entire job for you - automatically!
Easy to use
From the configuration window to the battery status indicator, features, Battery Doubler excels at ease-of use. Our interface fully respects Microsoft's guidelines and is very intuitive. Because you don't always want to read a 300-pages manual before using a software, you will understand how to use Battery Doubler in no time.
And much more
Battery Doubler features other great functions, such as telling you in hours:minutes your battery's autonomy! It is impossible to list all of Battery Doubler's functions on a single webpage, so why don't you download it and find out how much better your laptop is with it? 有这种奇迹 水可以变油! 能量守桓定律在哪? 关注一下 这就和信佛一样,你信吗? 不太可能 大家还是看仔细了在发言。说明里面写的很清楚:
Because it doesn't use standard techniques (dim screen light, etc.), but finds out what to turns off what isn't needed, such as, for example, the USB ports, you can get up to twice autonomy without sacrifice comfort.
[ 本帖最后由 wearefree 于 2006-3-18 13:50 编辑 ] 就是。难道比INTEL还牛? 屏幕、CPU、硬盘、显卡这几个是耗电大户。。。
其他的就算全都关了也省不了多少电。。。。 呵呵,观察中,显示2倍不稀奇,相信51nb里很多xd都可以让CPU显示为8G,那位大哥只用电池跑跑,结果公布下 需要小白鼠的实验验证阿。 那位兄弟试试看啊 看他介绍的好像有一定道理
不过肯定生不下来2倍那么多啊 下了。。。准備測試一下!!! 支持楼主做小白 原帖由 花花公子飞 于 2006-3-18 18:16 发表
支持 原帖由 花花公子飞 于 2006-3-18 18:16 发表
支持 等待结果中。。。。。 等结果!! 等待结果中。。。。。