【分享】Vista Transformation Pack 5.0 正式版
把 Windows XP/2003 操作系统的界面改造成 Vista 模样的软件网址:http://www.windowsxlive.net/?page_id=15
Changes in Version 5.0
-Added function to update existing UI transformation to the machine (Now user doesn’t need to uninstall before applying new ones anymore!)
-Added function to choose whenever user wants to apply UI transformation to the machine and setup files folder or enter Maintenance Center
-Added Q&A from Windows X’s shrine forum (made by
-Added setup destination for applying Vista UI transformation (system transformation or setup integration)
-Added System Files’ resources modifying verification so you can know if this program can modify your system files or not
-Added system files compatibility with Neutral language ID (0)
-Added Vista wide screen boot screen (16:9) option
-Fixed Guest’s user picture lost after uninstall
-Fixed Internet Explorer 7 modifying issues
-Fixed LClock’s install path association bug
-Fixed Rebuilding icons cache problems on some machines (Need to be executed from maintenance center)
-Fixed Shutdown/Logoff button text removing (impure backup file, losing explorer.exe on some machines)
-Fixed some resources modification bug (such batmeter.dll resources on xpsp2res.dll, etc.)
-Fixed Themes service will be always enabled after uninstall (I’ve heard enough complaining about this)
-Fixed Vista logon’s shutdown button disappearance bug on some machines
-Fixed Windows drive icon removing bug
-Moved Vista logon to Windows interface section
-Re-arranged transforming process for easier understanding
-Removed Windows Media Player 11 (Codename Eclipse) skin (Get the real beta ones if you want to use it)
-Removed out-dated Vista wallpapers (Get wallpaper pack from somewhere if you want all of them)
-Seperated Set Windows Vista OS drive icon option from system files icon option
-Seperated system files and Vista UI stuffs for ease of management
-Updated appearance selection on uninstall instead of enable/disable Themes service
-Updated toolbar button
-Updated massive Vista icons from build 5472 (million thanks to Sebas who helped me with the icon resources)
-Updated Vista boot screen with previous ones (since it looks better)
-Updated Vista logo in System Properties from build
-Updated Vista logon background (higher resolution)
-Updated Vista sounds scheme (Startup and Logon from Beta 2 build)
-Updated Vista toolbar flag
-Updated Vista visual styles
|-Updated Vista Beta 2 horizontal shellstyle (Added Blue folder icon)
|-Updated Vista Beta 2 TaskBandButton with new fancy light button
|-Updated Vista Beta 2 themes with ressources from build 5472
|-Updated Vista Beta 2 visual style and normal WindowBlinds skin with new Standard theme
|-Updated Vista WindowBlinds glass border (Now it’s as close as the real ones!)
|-Updated Start globe to be compatible with VistaStart (Test with 1.3)
-Updated Vista wireless tray icon
-Updated new Calculator and TimeDate icon
-Updated Vista Start Menu classic
Boot Screen
Logon Screen
Desktop Screenshot #1
Desktop Screenshot #2
Desktop Screenshot #3
Download & Discussion
太华丽啦 附件是我安装好的桌面
建议安装前建立一个还原点!!!:D 不错~~~~ 请问楼主,这个软件支持中文版XP吗? 只适合英文系统的吗? 原帖由 kingsun9988 于 2006-8-25 12:05 发表
同问,而且不知道支持出来效果如何 我没有中文XP英文XP下安装的效果如图! 不错不错,不过是英文 的。不知道中文的系统能装不! 哪位试过了中文的系统?说下如何
另外占内存多大? 中文系统可以安装啊。 不过vista开机滚动条没变过来。不过确实非常华丽!非常好看! 之前的4.0害的我重装系统了 这个应该改好了吧 这个要试试看 呵呵 中文系统试过了 安装业可以有 但是开机界面没有变另外效果不如英文版好看 漂亮啊!!!!!!!!!! 下不了文件可惜啊。。 满不错的,赞一下.
不过似乎对显卡要求还是有点高,跑起来没原来畅快. 这个很不错啊,不知道对资源占用情况如何? 你的配置根本感觉不到资源占用 我已经安装了,但是不起作用,我的是2003系统。 ^_^,大家可以在虚拟机里试试. 牛啊~~~ 太华丽啦,只怕俺的R32跑不动啊 没觉得vista好看...
现在连LE5都不用了 windows经典猪蹄ing... 不错,很漂亮,谢谢楼主呵呵 千万别装,太烂了。卸载又不好卸。我现在正愁着怎么恢复呢。 谁知道怎么调一下透明度,太透明了不方便 我下载下来好几天都不敢装,总算有小白鼠出来了,^_^.