Recover 4 all 看看,它能将刚刚所删除的档案找出来,但
值得注意的是必须在 Windows
Win9x/Me/NT/2000/XP 等操作系统下,帮助你在这些操作操作中恢复删除的文件,推荐使用。该汉化版已经完美破解,使用时无任何功能限制。该版还解决了上个汉化版中的存在的两处错误:1、有时无法搜索到已删除文件的问题;2、退出软件时弹出错误对话框的现象。
Recover4all does not allow deleted files to be saved to the original drive, as deleted files could be overwritten. Technically, it is possible to restore deleted files directly at their original location by writing on the drive containing the deleted files, but this changes the state of the disk. This is not a problem for successfully recovered files, but recovered files can turn out to be corrupted. To have the best chances in further recovery attempts, e.g. by a professional data recovery service, it is desirable that the disk with the deleted files was left untouched. For this reason Recover4all (like professional data recovery services) does not write to the original disk.
[ 本帖最后由 ice_poss 于 2006-9-26 22:35 编辑 ] 不错的 收藏一个 文件有问题哦 解压失败 2.09和2.25版都比较稳定,常见的2.26经常报错 解压失败??!!
楼主重新弄一个包上来吧 文件解压缩不行啊,楼主重新发吧 已经重新发布了.^_^
真怀念同学家小区宽带电信线路访问专门网那种飞一般的感觉.......可惜我家是CNC.... 这回行了! 另外,如果您下载后利用此软件进行违法活动.我可不负责.^_^
:D:D:D:D 谢谢!!! 原帖由 ice_poss 于 2006-9-26 23:24 发表
:D:D 好贴留名 下了留名 下载了 多谢分享 我也收藏个,顶一下:D 我有了一个这个软件,不过不知什么版本.留下备用. 顶一个,好软件一定要收藏啊,多谢楼主 呵呵,谢谢hans 谢谢分享,收藏备用 下载了 多谢分享 下来体验下.