T-Mobile 在其移动设备上封杀所有第三方程序
T-Mobile刚刚更改了用户策略,将其Java-Micro-App-capable的T-Mobile手机限制成了不允许第三方网络应用程序运行,这也意味着用户只能使用他们自己的内置WAP浏览器,一些优秀的程序例如GoogleMaps和OperaMini都要说byebye了.T-Mobile cites meaningless "security" concerns as reasons for attempting to severely cripple the mobile software development industry, but their hypocrisy is painfully clear when you remember that these apps work fine on T-Mobile's network, using T-Mobile SIM cards, if you buy your phone directly from a manufacturer like NokiaUSA.com.
This idiotic policy doesn't even work in T-Mobile's interests. Third party software encourages people to use data services, which encourages them to sign up for data plans, which makes T-Mobile money. A more liberal policy on mobile apps also might help the nation's #4 carrier win customers away from control freaks like Verizon, with their strictly limited set of applications.
T-Mobile's motto is "get more." So it's painfully ironic that nowadays, they let you "get less" -- locking out much of what their phones can do in a pointless, incomprehensible attempt at control. My solution: instead of buying phones through T-Mobile, go direct to manufacturers or through independent retailers that offer non-T-Mobile-branded GSM phones, then drop your T-Mobile SIM card in. (It'll work fine.) That way you'll get your T-Mobile service, and much, much "more." 什么意思?
難道自殺不成? 不可理喻!
摘要:日前,美国ZF官方宣布了允许手机解锁的消息,这意味着用户将不再需要被强制要求使用某一运营商这件事情而感到烦恼。为了响应这一新政策,T-Mobile率先推出了一款帮助用户轻松解锁手机的软件。不过略微遗憾的是,目该款软件只支持三星Galaxy Avant这款中端机。http://static.cnbetacdn.com/newsimg/2014/0810/39_1407638345.jpg_600x600.jpg
不管怎么说,这款软件的出现还是让用户们有了盼头。以往,美国运营商总是把手机解锁弄成一件极为复杂的事情,甚至有很多用户都不知道自己还有解锁手机这样一个权限。据TMoNews及Android Central报道获悉,Avant预装的这款软件为用户提供了2种解锁选择:为期30天的解锁和永久解锁。其中,短期解锁的限制更小,它甚至还能允许用户在海外使用手机。而在用户解锁之前,他必须要确保已经缴清手机分期付款的所有费用,并且手机使用T-Mobile网络的时间已经达到40天的最低限额。