每次我一玩游戏就出来,害得卡的要命。。。。。。。。。。。。。 SymantecLiveUpdateProxyModule,Symantec系列产品的自动升级代理程序。lucallbackproxy.exe is a process belonging to Norton/Symantec Internet Security which protects your computer against Internet-bound threats such as spyware and trojans which can be distributed through e-mail or attack directly to the computer allowing unauthorized access to your computer. This process in particular assist with software updates and is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated. 诺顿啊诺顿,真是不行啊 norton总是把简单的软件做得很复杂,非常占资源!!!
如果要把norton antivirus从系统中删除,光注册表项就要手动删除几百个地方!!!
现在终于把norton antivirus给删了,换成了NOD32!!!
norton 的其它软件估计也是这个样子!!! 呵呵,楼上的XD怎么不用官方的卸载工具?