【原创】SONY VGN-C12C/B的本本也真垃圾
前几天朋友把我一个月前给他买的索力本本拿来叫我拆卖<我一听郁闷了 才用了多久啊 .一问才知道,2口子吵架把本本摔了,屏基本上全碎了,不过还好不是玻璃的不会伤到手 屏和主板已经分家里,就一跟屏线连着在, 整个机壳 已经面目全非,不过最让人不爽的,整个外壳都索料的,哎.就剩一个T5500的U一块电池是好的 键盘差个键冒 内存断了,光区的光头掉了, 硬盘挂了,板子从中间裂开了 不知道独立显卡是好的不. 笔记本没听说过是用来摔的。你换成个ThinkPad可劲摔去也能给摔出一样效果。另外C系列据我所知是入门级VAIO,不能作过多指望吧。 关键是看它索料的外壳不爽啊,真的是跟几百块手机外壳一样 是国产的^,^ 那个好听点的就叫工程塑料,呵呵 我可以负责任地说:C12的顶盖不是塑料的。
Don't even think of Sony any more
I bought a Sony VAIO and it sucks. The touchpad is cranky and always go uncontrollable. The systems had problem and cursor react uncontrollably. It doesnt' come with international warranty. One has to pay additional for the international warranty. Unlike Compaq or IBM, they come with international warranty at no additional cost.The customer support for SONY product costs a bomb. As my unit is bought in HK, I was told that if my unit is checked and tested by Sony's technical dept, I gotta pay RM240 if fault is repaired. That's excluding spare parts cost. Usually Sony's spare parts cost a bomb!!!! I had very bad experience with its digital camera!
Sony VAIO finishing looks great but it doesn't last. The shiny top starts to fade quickly due to regular palm rest while typing on the keyboard. As a result, my VAIO looks older than an IBM laptop, which is plain in look, but in long run still look better than my VAIO, and more reliable too!!!! Sad that everytime my laptop behave erratically, I start to worry badly about how much Sony would charge for my next visit!!!! SO I learnt a good lesson, buying SONY's product is just like buying a BMW! High maintainance! As for BMW, probably it lives up to the quality perceived, but sadly, my SONY doesn't! It disappoints me again and again - both digital camera and laptop.
Next disappointment of my Sony laptop is the CD-ROM! It fails to work recently. It is not able to read copied CD e.g. files which are burnt by my friends! Another woe!! 买索尼就别想要质量,不摔也一样坏