1:我有个朋友问我一个问题,说他要租用美国的虚拟主机Bluehost,对方告诉他主机CPU的限制方式有特别,不是常见的%形式,请教一下各位,这是什么意思?以下是我朋友和Bluehost的Livechat客服Adam对话的内容:朋友:What is your CPU usage limit? how much percentage maximum?
Adam : You can't use more than 40 seconds of cpu usage in any 3 minute window.
朋友: : what does this mean?
Adam : What portion is unclear?
朋友:: In this 40 second how much percentage of CPU can I use? What do you mean 3 minute window? Do you mean 3 windows opened for 3 minutes continuously?
Adam : We don't currently have a limit in place for the percentage you can use during that time. I would be referring to any 3 minute timeframe.
3:另外他还想在上面建一个个人blog,以及一个住宅小区的业主论坛(PHP的,估计同时上线业主少于200人),上述CPU限制会不会造成不良影响? 是不是分时共用,每3分钟使用40秒,可以使用的CPU资源是 40/(3×60)=2/9=22.2222% 谢谢!这种限制对所需的各种功能影响大吗?所需:外贸商务网站+个人blog+住宅小区的业主论坛(Discuz!的,估计同时上线业主少于200人)