刚买了一个T61 A59,随机装了Vista的中文操作系统。由于现在Vista的应用还不是很成熟,暂时还是想先换到XP的环境。问了经销商,他那边也没有这个光盘,不管是Vista的或者XP的,不知哪位XD有,拜托给个链接或者种子,多谢了! 论坛里有碟杀版,也可用emule搜索其他版本。A59
原帖由 spacezxf 于 2007-8-2 19:40 发表 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif刚买了一个T61 A59,随机装了Vista的中文操作系统。由于现在Vista的应用还不是很成熟,暂时还是想先换到XP的环境。问了经销商,他那边也没有这个光盘,不管是Vista的或者XP的,不知哪位XD有,拜托给个链接或者种 ...
A59是E文版的vista吧。你有中文的,能放出来么?我也刚入一个A59,13300元。 装xp,1GB Intel Turbo Memory就费了,不知道将来会不会出个补丁,让 Intel Turbo Memory可以用在XP上呢? 我想在找蓝快的T61XP恢复盘 VISTA现在还只能用来尝鲜 原帖由 ynzheng 于 2007-8-4 01:02 发表 http://www.thinkpad.cn/forum/images/common/back.gif
装xp,1GB Intel Turbo Memory就费了,不知道将来会不会出个补丁,让 Intel Turbo Memory可以用在XP上呢?
Microsoft Windows XP/2000 operating systems do not support Intel Turbo Memory. If you are using Windows XP/2000, there will be a Yellow Exclamation (!) shown in Device Manager. This package is to eliminate the Yellow Exclamation (!) in Device Manager.
The following Systems are supported:
- ThinkPad R61
- ThinkPad T61, T61p
- ThinkPad X61, X61s, X61 Tablet
- ThinkPad Reserve Editionhttp://www.lenovo.com/i/c.gifhttp://www.lenovo.com/i/c.gifFile details http://www.lenovo.com/i/c.gifVersion: Date:2007/07/25http://www.lenovo.com/i/c.gifFile link File size File descriptionhttp://www.lenovo.com/i/c.gif7kip02ww.exe 333,832 Disabling tool for the Intel Turbo Memory Driver
7kip02ww.txt 4,014 README for Disabling tool for the Intel Turbo Memory Driver
Windows XP/2000 operating systems do not support Intel Turbo Memory.[:-|]
So if you are using Windows XP/2000, there will be a Yellow Exclamation (!)
shown in Device Manager.
This package is to eliminate the Yellow Exclamation (!) in Device
Refer to marketing materials to find out what ThinkPad models
support the Intel Turbo Memory.
If this package has been installed, updating (overwrite-installing)
this package will fix problems, add new functions, or expand
functions as noted below.
This program is language independent and can be used with any
language system.