leovien 发表于 2007-11-6 08:07

【新闻ZT】Windows Home Server免费试用120天

Windows Home Server操作系统是微软首款针对家庭用户的服务器操作系统,但目前主要针对OEM厂商,甚至除了惠普的“EX470 MediaSmart Home Server”系统外很少有其他产品亮相。在网络上,OEM版本的该操作系统也要卖到180美元左右。不过现在,微软开始提供该系统的120天免费试用计划。目前该优惠试用针对包括中国在内的多个国家,只要登录微软网站输入自己的姓名地址,支付邮递费用,就能够收到微软Windows Home Server系统试用装。

包括Windows Home Server Installation DVD安装光盘、Windows Home Server Connector CD连接光盘和Home Computer Restore CD还原光盘。目前,针对中国用户的试用装采用嘉里大通物流投递,快递费用为160元人民币(每增加一份需增加100元)。

Product media is free of charge. However, a flat fee of RMB160 for delivery of a product and RMB100 for each additional quantity ordered will be collected by the courier company, Kerry EAS. This amount is payable by cash or cheque to Kerry EAS. You will be issued an invoice from Kerry EAS upon payment.

Unless you agree to pay this cost, you should not order the media in the attached form. Your submission of a fully-executed order form constitutes your unconditional agreement to pay the shipping costs as described above.

Windows Home Server主要用于家庭存储共享服务器,只要在家中搭建一台使用该系统的服务器,就能在多台PC间轻松共享各种媒体文件,如照片、音乐、视频等。由于主 要用于存储服务,该系统的硬盘要求高达70GB,CPU要求则只有1GHz P3,内存512MB。

softice616 发表于 2007-11-6 08:28


itinsider 发表于 2007-11-6 11:03

Posted by softice616 on 2007-11-6 08:28 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif


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