BIOS 版本 7NET29WW (1.10 )先刷了再说。 (Fix) An error message may be displayed after the system with smart battery entered Intel(R) AMT Management Engine BIOS Extention screen. (BIOS)
(Fix) Data transmission speed of the hard drive gets slow from 66 MB/s to 33 MB/s in SATA AHCI mode. (BIOS)
(Fix) The computer may hang at the power-on if device configuration is changed in the BIOS Setup immediately after resuming normal operation from hibernation mode. (BIOS)
(Fix) An error may occur at the power-on after ThinkPad BIOS Settings for Windows runs and then the computer goes into hibernation mode. (BIOS)
(Fix) When Power button of Power Options in Control panel is set to "Do nothing" for "When I close the lid of my portable computer:" in Extended desktop, Extended desktop is kept even by closing portable computer. (BIOS) 昨天就刷了,哈哈 刷了新的BIOS,,VISTA 要不要重新激活呀 Posted by ddxxffyy on 2007-12-10 09:00 http://thinkpad.cn/forum/images/common/back.gif
刷了新的BIOS,,VISTA 要不要重新激活呀
不需要 Posted by sundrops on 2007-12-10 16:08 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
楼上的,我用的是OEM的VISTA-U,刷了,不能激活了。5555555 昨晚上去居然没见到 没有办法,又降回来了。不出**之前,绝对不升级了。 大家顶呀,有谁能**出联想BIOS的原理,我第一个捐款 大家顶,不顶怎么行,我们这里就没有一个高人,把X61的BIOS一下搞定,以后再怎么升,也不要**了,XX论坛里有高人正在做这样的事,如果成了,我第一个捐款十元去支持他的工作。希望大家也一样。 希望大家顶起来,这样的,才会有动力,干活的人,才会有心情 已经刷了~:) 今天试着升级但是好象升级不了 晕菜
说有个FLASH的东西错误 这个发布日期是10月24号啊,难道是前几天才冒出来?