xxlmmf 发表于 2007-12-30 12:34

【求助】1。7的CPU VM6 总是说才709MHZ DX请看看

装个VM6 总是报下面的信息
VMware Workstation has measured your CPU speed to be 709 MHz, but Windows reports that it is 1698 MHz. This may mean that your computer has a power-saving feature that varies the processor speed. As a result, the clock in your virtual machine may run too fast or too slow.

For a workaround, please refer to the VMware knowledge base article at:

明明是1.7的。他说电池在是省电模式。我已经选择了 HIGH system performance 还是不成阿?不知道要在哪里调,才能OK。感谢DX支持一下。谢谢了!
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