苹果对于开发人员和教育人员有特殊的优惠,除了100美元的教育折扣,最大的折扣就是ADC折扣了。了解ADC折扣的原因是基于方天虹的一个帖子,加入ADC即可以很优惠的价格购买苹果部分产品,而且可以直接SHIP到中国。所以想了解在中国是否也能享受这种折扣。中间得到了这位兄弟的许多指点,在此感谢。对于学生来说,加入ADC最廉价的方式是购买,ADC Student Membership,价格是99USD。包括终身一次硬件DISCOUNT购买机会,一年期的技术支持等。至少在美国区是如此。它需要会员提供大学生身份证明,还有就是年满18周岁(我不知道身份证是否被认可,但是如果有护照就好办),还有一个学校的证明。然后就可以购买一个苹果的产品以很好的DISCOUNT。当然,它也提供更多的会员方式选择,比如一年一次,一年5次,无限次的DISCOUNT,只是会费贵了。计价单位自然是美元。换算之后就发现有多便宜了,嗯。所以,很心动的给苹果公司ADC组send了一个邮件过去,刚刚收到了回复,E文不好,大家帮忙看看吧,如果有兴趣的人可以一起研究下。
型号 市价 学生价 ADC价算上(学生)会员费后
MacBook Pro 15 1999 1799 1698
MacBook Pro 15 2499 2299 2098
MacBook Pro 17 2799 2599 2338
Re: ADC Membership
Hello ,
Thank you for contacting the Apple Developer Connection regarding ADC Student Membership.
ADC Student Membership is a one-year program which makes it easy for students to connect with Apple and learn to develop on Mac OS X. If you are 18 years of age or older and enrolled in a college or university, the ADC Student Membership provides the tools and resources you need to take your development skills to the next level.
To purchase an ADC Student Membership, please fill out the attached form, ADC BILLING Credit Card Processing Form, with the appropriate information and fax directly to our Billing Team, at:
+1 (408) 862-7602
Attn: ADC Billing
Please be sure to enter “RID # ××××××” in the Follow-up Number section of the form. Once you have faxed the form, please respond to this email and we will confirm with our Billing Team that your fax has arrived.
After our Billing Team has processed your ADC Student Membership purchase, you will be receiving an activation code in your email address. Please follow the steps provided to activate your purchase.
After activating your purchase, your ADC account will have a pending ADC Student Membership status. To allow us to fully activate your ADC Student Membership, we require that you verify your student status by emailing/faxing a copy of your picture ID (drivers license, passport, student ID, etc.) along with a current or upcoming course schedule or other official proof of enrolment from your college/university. You may send your student documents via:
Fax: 1-800 908 212
Email address: chinadev@asia.apple.com
Student Members may take advantage of a special, one-time hardware discount per lifetime (this benefit is non-renewable and subject to change). You must verify your student status and hold an active ADC Student Membership before ordering hardware.
Once we have received your student verification information, we will review the information and notify you once we have activated your ADC Student Membership.
Student Members may take advantage of a special, one-time hardware discount per lifetime (this benefit is non-renewable and subject to change). You must verify your student status and hold an active ADC Student Membership before ordering hardware. To use your ADC hardware discount for products shipped to China, please send an email to Zenus Song at song.z@asia.apple.com.
For more information regarding ADC Student Membership, you may want to visit the following website:
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above information, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be happy to assist you.
Best regards,
Annie Ty
Apple Developer Connection
Worldwide Developer Relations
[ Edited byNovRainbow on 2008-1-16 01:08 ] 现在的问题就是中间的细节,以及货物如何发放的问题了,发放之后,从哪里发货,如何保修,邮费和关税(如果有的话)是如何支付的。。。 顺便,有人提到过说895现在的水货价格只要13800,不知道哪位兄弟有渠道能够拿到低于14K的水货的?当然,带保。。。 看来也差不多, 首先要购买ADC的membership
主要就是要有照片的证件, 身份证可以用, 但是还需要提供学校的在读证明 我就是需要知道,中国大陆的学生身份是否管用,他EMAIL里没有明说,或者我没看懂。。。
然后问题就在什么地方发货,邮费怎么算,关税。。。。。还有就是,国际信用卡支付的问题了,我没有这么高授限的信用卡,而买汇价格可不低 所以说,还是考虑其他途径吧。
其实如果楼主并不是为了Max OS X的话,还是打消买Mac的念头吧,不要只是为了外观。
真的是见过买了MacBook装xp再改成Mac主题的人,实在无语…… 另外提醒楼主最好将邮件内容中的姓名、RID Number涂改一下,防止他人滥用。 大概帮楼主翻译了一下,基本是意译:
回复的邮件中有附件,填写好RID号和其他信息后传真回上文提供的电话并回复邮件通知他们传真已经发出。当他们收到传真后会发一个激活码到你的邮箱,根据同时发来的说明邮件逐步激活你的帐户即可。当做完账户激活后,你的帐户还会处于暂时的等待确认状态,这时需要提供你的身份证/驾驶执照/学生证等身份证明的复印件,并且提供一份目前的课程表(但我想并不是国内的课表,对国外学校不了解,建议楼主和其他人咨询下)或者学校的官方证明(以证明你的大学生身份),并且将上述两份文件通过传真或者邮件提供给APPLE。当APPLE确认你的身份后,你的ADC学生帐号将正式激活,可以享受其相关待遇。当你购买产品前需要确认并出示学生证名和ADC学生帐号,如果需要享受货运到大陆的ADC硬件折扣,请与Zenus Song(song.z@asia.apple.com)联系。
楼主可以直接尝试和那个song.z@asia.apple.com,中文沟通会更方便。^,^ Posted by NovRainbow on 2008-1-16 00:24 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
然后问题就在什么地方发货,邮费怎么算,关税。。。。。还有就是,国际信用卡支付的问题了,我没有这么高授限的信用卡, ...
所有MacBook Pro都是在上海组装好运来美国的...
楼主要不尝试直接去厂里拖关系拎一个? :D Posted by bluesmansion on 2008-1-16 00:34 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
其实如果楼主并不是为了Max OS X的话,还是打消买Mac的念头吧,不要只是为了外观。
外观。。。。我自己就是学工业设计的 Posted by bluesmansion on 2008-1-16 00:42 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
回复的邮件中有附件,填写好RID号和其他信息后传真回上文提供的电话并回复邮件通知他们传真已经发出。当他们收到传真后会发一个激活码到你的邮箱,根据同时发来的说明邮 ...
大致的意思我也看明白了,只是他说的都不太肯定。。。唉。。。 Posted by bluesmansion on 2008-1-16 00:35 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
另外提醒楼主最好将邮件内容中的姓名、RID Number涂改一下,防止他人滥用。
谢谢提醒,我疏忽了。。。 Posted by 方天虹 on 2008-1-16 01:06 http://www.thinkpad.cn/forum/images/common/back.gif
所有MacBook Pro都是在上海组装好运来美国的...
楼主要不尝试直接去厂里拖关系拎一个? :D
因为那是在保税区里组装的。 Posted by NovRainbow on 2008-1-16 01:10 http://www.thinkpad.cn/forum/images/common/back.gif
咱自己设计一个好不…… ^v^ Posted by bluesmansion on 2008-1-16 01:16 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
咱自己设计一个好不…… ^v^
@.@ 谁来开模?
回复 #15 NovRainbow 的帖子
自己~ ^u^ 哈哈 有意思 Posted by bluesmansion on 2008-1-16 00:34 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif真的是见过买了MacBook装xp再改成Mac主题的人,实在无语……