苹果发布超薄笔记本MacBook Air
苹果于元月十五号发布一款超薄笔记本MacBook AirMacBook Air
As widely expected, Apple is launching an ultra-thin notebook called the MacBook Air. At 0.76" thick at its widest point, the three-pound Air has a wedgelike shape that tapers down to 0.16" thick at the front base. LED backlighting on its 13.3-inch screen, multi-touch trackpad (which offers some nifty features like rotating photos, all in the touchpad), and a backlit keyboard. Specs are decent: 1.6 or 1.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (on a cleverly shrunken socket), 2GB of RAM, and an 80GB hard drive (or 64GB SSD option). No optical drive (of course), and just one USB port. It'll set you back $1,799, which is on the inexpensive side for ultralight notebooks with specs like this. Ships in two weeks.
13.3" LED背光LCD和背光键盘。
Intel 1.6 或1.8 Core 2 Duo
2 GB 内存
80 GB HDD 或 64 GB SSD
$1,799 顺便提一下,苹果号称这个MacBook Air世上最薄,而事实上是Sony早在2003年就发布了一款超薄型号X505,最厚处0.75",比这个MacBook Air还薄0.1"。
(By the way, as great as the MacBook Air sounds, calling this the "world's thinnest notebook" is hyperbole: The Sony X505 was 0.75" thick... and it was released in 2003.) 上几张截图。 嗯, 我正想比较MBA和X505 Posted by jida on 2008-1-16 05:42 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
顺便提一下,苹果号称这个MacBook Air世上最薄,而事实上是Sony早在2003年就发布了一款超薄型号X505,最厚处0.75",比这个MacBook Air还薄0.1"。
(By the way, as great as the MacBook Air sounds, calling ...
X505网上有很多说法, 也有说0.8''的, 甚至有说0.83''的
但是MBA的最薄处只有0.16'', 相比较X505的0.3'', 总体平均下来很难说 很垃圾的一个产品。包括定位都很垃圾。 居然用Pata接口,想要自己升级硬盘都没得动手,就算是SSD,现在Pata接口也难找吧。 不怎么看好,连内存都是固化的,一点弹性都没有
回复 #7 Liao_Duan 的帖子
pata?哪里 Posted by jarodpeach on 2008-1-17 00:18 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gifpata?哪里
标配的硬盘是1.8寸4200转PATA的 Posted by 纯色 on 2008-1-16 16:24 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
回复 #10 方天虹 的帖子
那是不是又自己升级的可能了呢? 比薄没什么意义 Posted by jarodpeach on 2008-1-17 01:19 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif那是不是又自己升级的可能了呢?
意思应该是只能换SSD 利用侧面斜面的视觉效果让人看起来很薄:D 电池是个问题.能扛多久
回复 #14 方天虹 的帖子