【求助】安装ubuntu 7.10 Intel 4965AGN问题
我安装ubuntu 7.10后,发现无线网卡的指示灯就不亮了。但是系统说无线网卡已经激活了。郁闷!
请大家给予帮助。 我也是,但无线能正常使用,所以就不管它了 我用openSUSE,也是这样,灯不会亮,但是能搜索到无线网络。 use IBM T40
i have question too X300也是这样,ubuntu7.10。 the same issue in ubuntu windows下100%信号,linux下成了65%信号,还无法连接。 老外的解释
Wireless activity LED
The LED is not implemented at least in the IWL4965 driver.
A patch posted in this thread works for me on R61 with IWL4965 card.
Help needed
A howto is needed showing the process of implementing the patch in Hardy Heron. If anyone knows how to do this, please create a quick howto and either put it here or link to it from this page. Please and thank you.
As an alternative, you can install a backported IWL4965 driver that may fix the LED problem on your system.
To active WiFi LED,
sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-hardy
On some machines, (at least one running IWL3945 & IWL4965) applying the above turns on the LED permanently. It should flicker as data is being transmitted. Also, with the above modification, after turning off wireless and then turning it back on (via the switch on the front of the machine) wireless is not reactivated, so not very helpful
You can download a compatible driver which supports WiFi led flicking and build it with modifying the config.mk by adding CONFIG_IWL3945_LEDS=y and CONFIG_IWLWIFI_LEDS=y these two options. For Ubuntu/Debian users, build-essential, linux-source-2.6.24 and linux-headers-generic packages are required. 这个问题有初步的解决方案,执行完sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-hardy后,不能关闭包括fn+f5或硬开关,否则又不亮,重启系统就全亮。可以說沒有多大意義,這個補丁。
[ Edited bymoreal on 2008-6-22 22:50 ]