从3.13005 更新到3.13009http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?sitestyle=lenovo&lndocid=MIGR-66956
New for this release
[*]Resolves a System Update performance issue by resetting the scheduler to retrieve updates from Lenovo servers when requests for updates are not at their peak. If the scheduler is currently set to retrieve updates at 11A.M. on the 1st day of each month, this update uses an algorithm to set the scheduler on each computer to a different day and time.[*]A defect in the scheduler is fixed.[*]Corrects the following problems that were introduced in the 2008-1-7 release:[*]Corrects a registry setting that prevents the user from accessing Active Update in the Rescue and Recovery(TM) program, Client Security Solution program, System Migration Assistant program, and Access Connections program.[*]Corrects a registry setting that prevents the factory recovery feature from being displayed in the Rescue and Recovery workspace. 刚看到 看到标题,刚刚更新 联想为什么不在中国大陆架设一个升级服务器呢, 实在想不通 实在 太垃圾,今天重装系统,抛弃所有随机的软件.................... 同意说明搞的都是英文 郁闷 :oPM还是可以留着吧。。。。。。 Posted by sheds on 2008-3-24 21:28 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
联想为什么不在中国大陆架设一个升级服务器呢, 实在想不通
维护一个这样的服务器也不是件容易的事 再过几年联想就说自己是美国公司了 nnd x300卖那么贵 在美国那么便宜