Stolen Laptop Helps Turn Tables on Suspectshttp://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/10/nyregion/10laptop.html?em&ex=1210564800&en=1e2fca4d1701c016&ei=5087%0A 什么什么啊... ???? A Westchester woman has helped the police to recover her stolen laptop after she was able to to connect remotely to her computer and photograph one of the suspects.
After one of her friends called her to ask if she is online, the woman used a program called Back To My Mac to connect to her stolen MacBook. She gained remote control of her laptop and took of a photograph of one of the thieves. According to The Journal News, the woman works at an Apple store.
Back To My Mac is an utility that searches Mac computers over the Internet and displays them in the Leopard Finder. It includes also a feature called Screen Sharing, thanks to which a user can control the remote Mac as he is sitting in front of it. Back To My Mac requires Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and a .Mac subscription.
Thanks to the photo, the White Plains police arrested two thieves and recovered $5,000 worth of electronics stolen from the woman's apartment in April. 没看明白 呵呵 大致意思就是, 被偷之后远程登陆然后拍下了盗窃者的照片 我的问题是:怎样远程登录呢?
没有一个办法获取被偷机器的IP地址阿 Posted by free_lee on 2008-5-13 13:18 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
.mac里的"Back To My Mac"
[ Edited by方天虹 on 2008-5-13 15:06 ] 这么厉害