aldenyuan 发表于 2008-5-15 02:29

【请教】关于Private Seed

最近在Mininova上搜种子的时候发现好多Private Seed,好像如果不在提供这些Private Seeds的网站注册就没法使用这些种子。于是很好奇这些种子是用什么原理实现这种仅限会员下载的,请知情的高人解释下。谢谢。


alan-byh 发表于 2008-5-16 11:25

private,不会是xx吧:D :D :D
电驴找找看:D :D

269569 发表于 2008-5-16 16:07

private 哼~~~~

aldenyuan 发表于 2008-5-17 06:51


这里是Mininova的Q&A里对Private Tracker的解释:
What is a private tracker? (icon: )

A private tracker is a tracker which requires registration at the tracker website (click on the tracker link in the red warning message on the general information page of the torrent) before you can use the torrent. This means that registering at Mininova won't help! Such trackers usually have a high amount of seeds, because users get banned if their ratio is too low. See for more information the Wikipedia entry regarding private trackers.

[ Edited byaldenyuan on 2008-5-17 06:52 ]
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