【求助】sony sz27cp无线连接的问题
请问各位有没有出现过这样的情况?如何解决? 顶一下,上去………… 幽灵~~~~ 确实类似幽灵的问题,索尼客服说从来没听过这样的问题,linksys客服倒是很客观的承认说是网卡冲突,然后买来外置linksys网卡测试结果发现不是网卡冲突,应该是某个索尼软件导致,但无法查清原因。 看看VAIO Control Center里面是不是关闭了无线 Posted by johnjin on 2008-6-12 21:36 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
看看VAIO Control Center里面是不是关闭了无线
按sony技术支持的建议恢复了系统但没做最后一步“整理程序”尝试,发现开始时可以连接正常路由,但重启几次后就出现以上情况了。 z27 + linksys wrt54G
好像也是这个问题~~么有解决过~~每次开机自动连无线的话~~路由的Internet链接就会脱掉~~影响到其他机器~~火暴大~~ 加密方式WPA 2。。。。不知道有么有关系了~~
觉得就是那个无线软件的问题吧~~ 然后~~那个Control centre里关不关无线不是这个问题啦~~ 参考下这个
Differences in the networking stack between XP and Vista have exposed a lot
of router bugs which were hitherto hidden.
Vista uses UPnP much more heavily than XP ever did, and we've found that a
lot of routers have suboptimal UPnP implementations, causing them to crash.
1. Does this happen on both a wired connection to the router AND a wireless
2. when Vista "loses" connection, does it come back automatically, or do you
have to reboot your router? Do the other xp machines also lose
3. If ONLY the vista machine loses connectivity, then there is an issue with
your vista machine. Make sure your drivers are all up to date. If
wireless, make sure you have the latest drivers for your card. Go to
linksys' website and verifiy that what you've got is the latest.
4. While you're there, make sure you have the latest firmware for your
router. We found a lot of bugs in router firmware during development, and
the vendors posted a lot of firmware updates.
5. Then, try running the router tool at
http://www.microsoft.com/windows/usi...d/default.mspx, and see if it
passes the tests.
If we can narrow the issue down to your router, that is, that when Vista
loses connectivity ALL the machines (xp too) lose connectivity, then there
are some things worth trying:
A possible solution worth trying is to turn of UPnP. This can be done on
the router (you would have to log onto the routers config page, find out
where it has the UPnP on/off switch, and turn it off) or from the machine
You can also try disabling window scaling.
So, please try these out:
1. Go to the webtool, and when the test is finished, click on the "view
detailed report" link, and copy that data off & save it.
2. turn off UPnP, either on the router or on the vista machine:
from an elevated command prompt,type the following:
a. sc config SSDPSRV start= disabled
b. net stop ssdpsrv <or> reboot the system
3. Try your test again. If it still fails after some perioed of time, turn
off Window Scaling:
From an elevated command prompt, type the following:
a. netsh in tcp set gl auto=di
<no reboot required>
(original post by KarlF)