内木 发表于 2008-7-9 07:30

【原创】大家是不是遇到了新版ADOBE FLASH PLAY不能装的问题

If so, so good! I Write the way to solve that help !!!!!Flash Player ActiveX problems or needs adjustment and the closure of the interface can not be normal, re-install the following error message:

ERROR 1904.Module

C: \ windows \ system32 \ Macromed \ Flash \ Flash9e.ocx

failed to register. HRESULT -2147220473. Contact

your support personnel.

Deal with the registry to clean, uninstall the original Flash Player ActiveX9.0, from Kongzhimianban of adding and removing procedures can not be completely uninstalled, there are still remnants of the Flash Player ActiveX9.0, running reged find under 9.0 can not be deleted after the successful installation

The only solution: the use of Flash Player Uninstaller or use the command line with / clean parameters can also remove a registration key

1. Download Microsoft subinacl.msi



2. Reset_minimal Download


Decompress, reset_minimal will be copied to C: \ Program Files \ Windows Resource Kits \ Tools \ directory, the Executive reset_minimal, about 5 minutes, the implementation should not use computers, after the prompt implementation of the "arbitrary to exit."

3. Downloads flash player for unloading


Executive unloading operation

4. Downloads flash player 9


Installation, get.

For troubleshooting tips, visit http://www.adobe.com/go/tn_19166_cn,

This page can not be opened, because no Chinese version. To access http://www.adobe.com/go/tn_19166 English, can open the page and find solutions.



If it is

System administrators set up a system strategy, the ban on this installation

Block or unblock distributors

Unblock distributors

Open Internet Explorer.

In the "Tools" menu, click "Internet Options."

Click the "contents" tab, then click the "distributors."

"Unaffected by the issuance of trust" tab, click to unblock the issue, and then click "Remove."

To prevent distributors

If the file to download to your computer, you may see a security warning dialog. If one of the "other options" button, so that you can ban this issue will be more software to download to your computer.

In the security warning message, click the "other options."

Click "has never installed the 'name issue' software."

2. (This provision is available, I have tried!)

1, the first of your IE as the default option

Or: Click IE main window in the menu "Tools → Internet Options", in the open window, select the "Advanced" tab, in the list below to find the "multimedia page → player in the animated" option and To select

In internet options - security - Custom Level, to run activeX controls and plug-ins, as the opening of

2. Regedit running enter into the registry to find Enter

To the following (D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000) item or (D3f97240-C9f4-11CF-BFCr-00A0C90-00A0C90C2BDB) of the main key to delete the registry after the closure of the keyboard F5 to refresh and install plug-FLASH

3, installed FLASHPLAYER

adobe official http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html
If there are methods or not!!!!!!!!!!!1. Registry open regedit
2. Find a primary key Hkey_Local_Machine \ Software \ Microsoft \ WindowsNT \ CurrentVersion \ WPAEvents \
3. Delete-button lastWPAEventLoged
4. Laws of key OOBETimer key for: ff d5 71 d6 8b 6a 8d 6f d5 33 93 fd
5. Right-click the registry "WPAEvents" button → "authority" → "senior" → "owner" → your user name → "application" → "OK"
6. To return to the "security" label → "senior" → choice in the list "system" → "edit"
7. "Rejected" out of the box to check all
8. "OK" to exit                                                               If you have not tried, then! English network to download the software REGCURE! KEY can be found in the corresponding Web site!
If the above methods will not work, I suggest you from the system installed !!!!!!
Just restart the computer to

river_s 发表于 2008-7-9 14:59


内木 发表于 2008-7-9 22:35

Posted by river_s on 2008-7-9 14:59 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
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查看完整版本: 【原创】大家是不是遇到了新版ADOBE FLASH PLAY不能装的问题