可以QQ传给你 sorry,只有win98和以后的,win95没有~~~ 迅雷搜啊。。。顶多200M win95?软件大部分不兼容了吧? 我有的,不过,不支持PCI-E显卡,不支持USB,不支持双核和自动降频,不支持DX9,不支持NTFS,Thinkpad 几乎所以的驱动和软件都装不上
楼主确认要换? LZ什么牛机^^? 还用95:o lz的ID。。。
即使装了95也没法用啊 LZ现在不是说你的机器能不能正常运作,而是你这台机器根本没法在现今这个时代起作用。流行的标准不支持意味着在这信息如潮水般的世界中根本无法存在下去,不支持IE5以上的版本,你怎么浏览网页?95能运行office2003及以上版本么?能播放现今大部分的多媒体文件么? WIN95不太好找,一共是52M左右安装文件,我当年用软盘拷了40多次能弄了一个完整的WIN95
用WIN97也不错 我貌似有98,不过是日文版的。 WINDOWS 95的安装盘我估计有的,不过要慢慢找. Posted by codafox on 2008-8-26 04:47 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
LZ现在不是说你的机器能不能正常运作,而是你这台机器根本没法在现今这个时代起作用。流行的标准不支持意味着在这信息如潮水般的世界中根本无法存在下去,不支持IE5以上的版本,你怎么浏览网页?95能运行office ...
不过大部分能装95的机器都能装98 别找了 找到了LZ也不会用,
LZ的JJ如果非95不能,肯定保存有95的光盘,现在这般时光来找WIN95,完全是灌水:D 曾经收集过DOS 1.1 2.1 3.1 3.316.2。。。
windows 1.1 2.03 3.0 3.1 95 98se 。。。
windows nt 3.1 3.5
可如今已经不知道在那里了。。。。 关于95的介绍
Summary Windows 95 is a graphical OS is designed for workstations at home or business. While still available, it is getting a bit old. See Windows 98 and Windows Me for later variants of this OS. Over its Windows 3.x predecessor, Windows 95 added Plug and Play, support for 32-bit applications, consolidated registry, improved memory management, and a number of accessories, such as the CD-Player.
News 31-Dec-2002 - Microsoft End of life - no support or online self-help
1-Jan-2001 Volume Licensing to End
In an effort to force corporations to switch to the more expensive Windows 2000, Microsoft announced it is ending volume licensing of both Windows 95 & 98 on June 30, 2001.
No further work is being done on Windows 95 and Microsoft considers it an obsolete OS. Support is no longer available.
Requirements Product Windows 95 OSR2
Processor 386DX or better
RAM 4 MB (8-16 MB recommended)
Drive space35 MB
Drives Runs from hard disk, Prompt available from boot diskette.
Video VGA or better
File systemsFAT(all), FAT32 (OSR2 and later only)
Compatibility Windows 16-bit programs (Windows 3.x type programs)
Windows 32-bit programs
Windows VxD device drivers
DOS programs, 100% native, while Windows is not running
DOS programs in a "DOS box" while Windows is running, compatibility excellent
DOS device drivers
Interface Windows is a GUI interface, but supports both a text-based DOS window, and can boot from a single diskette into a "DOS" prompt.
Installation Must be installed on a primary partition on the first drive. See Secrets section below for complete installations on other than the first drive. About 4 MB of boot up code must reside on the C drive, but all remaining files can be installed in any drive (primary or logical, any physical drive).
Variants Upgrade edition - upgrades Windows 3.x to Windows 95. Many users have reported problems with upgrading from Windows 3.x. We strongly recommend a risk-free installation using System Commander
Full edition - includes boot diskette and can be installed on a blank drive
OEM edition - installation depends on part on how an OEM configures the installation. In most cases, the OEM edition will install safely on top of a prior installation of Windows 95, but will erase the entire first hard drive and put a fresh install of Windows 95 if Windows 95 is not detected.
Versions Windows release timeline
First edition 11-Jul-1995
Service Pack 1 (update) 31-Dec-1995
OSR2 26-Aug-1996
Three major releases of Windows 95 were made. The first edition does not support FAT32, nor enhanced FAT (for support beyond 8 GB). OSR2 is a separate version, but was never provided as a free upgrade. OSR2.5 added several Y2K fixes, and is provided as a free update. All Windows 95 editions are referred to as v4.0.
1) Identification of Windows 95 version: Look at the file date and time of the GUI.EXE file in the Windows\system directory (or where you installed windows).
File time: 11-Jul-1995 9:50am = Windows 95 first edition
File date: 24-Aug-1996 11:11am = Windows 95 OSR2 (Windows 95 B)
File date: 19-Oct-1998 3:00pm (or later) = Windows 95 OSR2.5 (Windows 95 C)
2) Go to "Start", "Settings", "Control Panel". Select the "System" icon. In the General tab (the default), it shows the product "Windows 95" and the version:
Version 4.00.950 = Windows 95 first edition
Version 4.00.950 B = Windows 95 OSR2 or later
Downloads Service Pack 1 (for First edition only)
Y2K fixes and the OSR2.5 update to Windows 95
Links Microsoft
Windows 95 home page
WUGNET - Windows User's Group
Books Books on Windows 95
Publisher Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052 USA
Phone 1-206-635-7000 (support)
Web: www.microsoft.com
Support Free support to user's who purchased retail copies. OEM users (i.e. included with a new PC) are referred back to the computer manufacturer for support.
Alternatives Windows 98/Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home, Linux, and Solaris
Secrets Setup Switches
Easter Eggs
Startup/Shutdown screens
Installation Not on the First Drive
Uncommon Keyboard Shortcuts
Pricing Retail price: n/a
Upgrade price: n/a (upgrading from Windows 3.x or MS/PC-DOS)
Compare n/a 光盘还真有,就是不知道能不能读了,放了N年了
我奇怪的是你机器到底有多老? 我觉得98还可以,再老你难倒自己写软件? 建议lz安装winnt 4.0 workstation版本,比win95稳定的多,占用略多点的资源,好用得很,windows2000就是从nt4.0上升级的。
装好系统后,然后找usb驱动,然后升级ie5,安装office97. 我想现在用95的人几乎没有,但也有用的那可能是某些特殊的情节吧了.我有95的光盘,及字处理软件WORD6.0,CCED字表软件,等.请给个联系方式到时看是以网盘还是以什么操作方式发送去,到时再联系吧. Posted by phillipsarea on 2008-8-25 23:12 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
更正:windows98 第二版的安装文件才129M,windows95的安装文件只有几十M,当初还发行过磁盘版的windows呢。 楼主是穿过时光隧道回来拿东西的吧^v^
能用95的98应该也可以用,98要好一些 lz是系统爱好者,想装95玩一把,纯粹心里过瘾而已 问下瘟95一般多久就蓝屏死机一次啊?
我用的win98 基本一天要蓝屏几次
三天就重装一次系统 我有正版的Win95光盘,如何给你? Win 97比95好用, 兼容性各方面都要好一些, 记得以前好个P3 400就是用这个:) 我有win95,中文版的,62M,怎么给你 PWIN95 'http://img.namipan.com/downfile/d79926e5b75e3b21b34f05df6ba1590179a617a14ec7db03/PWIN95.rar'