有人搞明白怎么用了吗?我怎么没有看到标注的地方? 现在只是大概能把包括脸部的照片找出来,至于怎么标注,怎么根据已经标注的来搜索相关照片还没有搞明白。 支持 LZ !搞明白后来发个教程吧,给小白们普及一下 不知能不能识别人体别的部位,可以的话将大大简化艺术类照片的整理和观赏*.*lll 是在Web Album上,不是客户端上.请参考下面的网址:
http://googlephotos.blogspot.com/ 晕哦。。。blogspot.com又能访问了。。。。多少年了,封了又开开了又封的。。。 我还是访问不了啊 补充说明一下:
Picasa 3.0客户端软件里面只有一个人脸标识的过滤器,可以过滤出带有人脸的图片
That's just the start. Picasa Web Albums now includes a new 'name tags' feature that helps organize your growing photo collection by people. Opt-in to name tags, and our technology automatically groups photos containing similar faces. Instead of asking you to painstakingly label pictures one-by-one, name tags lets you rapidly tag many photos at once. By doing so, you can easily find that photo of your cousin from two years ago; create a slideshow of you and your best friend, or share an album with everybody who appears in the photos. Take a look at this video to see name tags in action.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teeGF-w5Cpw 只能用在WEB ALBUM上不爽。