【下载】强烈推荐免费刻录软件ImgBurn v2.4.2.0
Imgburn是一款光盘刻录软件,体积小,功能强大,操作方便,支持几乎所有盘片映像格式.ImgBurn supports a wide range of image file formats - including BIN, CUE, DI, DVD, GI, IMG, ISO, MDS, NRG and PDI.
It can burn Audio CD's from any file type supported via DirectShow / ACM - including AAC, APE, FLAC, M4A, MP3, MP4, MPC, OGG, PCM, WAV, WMA and WV.
You can use it to build DVD Video discs (from a VIDEO_TS folder), HD DVD Video discs (from a HVDVD_TS folder) and Blu-ray Video discs (from a BDAV / BDMV folder) with ease.
It supports Unicode folder/file names, so you shouldn't run in to any problems if you're using an international character set.
ImgBurn supports all the Windows OS's - Windows 95, 98, Me, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista and 2008 (including all the 64-bit versions). If you use Wine, it should also run on Linux and other x86-based Unixes.
It's a very flexible application with several advanced features that are often lacking in other tools, especially when it comes to burning DVD Video discs. It supports all the latest drives without the need for updates (including booktype / bitsetting / advanced settings on many of the major ones - i.e. BenQ, LiteOn, LG, NEC, Plextor, Samsung, Sony).
There is an image queue system for when you're burning several images (which you can automatically share between multiple drives if you have more than one) and an easy-to-use layer break selection screen for double layer DVD Video jobs. The Automatic Write Speed feature allows you store your favourite burn speed settings on a per 'Media ID' basis, right down to a drive by drive level. Data captured during the burn (write speed, buffer levels etc) can be displayed / analysed using DVDInfoPro.
Whilst ImgBurn is designed to work perfectly straight out of the box, advanced users will appreciate just how configurable it is.
Oh and let's not forget the best thing about it.... it's 100% FREE ;-)
官方下载ImgBurn v2.4.2.0及ImgBurn Translation Language Files-Chinese (PRC)语言包
下载ImgBurn v2.4.2.0和Chinese (PRC)语言包
1,安装ImgBurn v2.4.2.0
2,解压简体中文语言包,将解压文件复制到ImgBurn v2.4.2.0安装目录:Languages文件夹
[ Edited bybigstone on 2008-9-12 13:58 ] 是英文版,不下了。 晕,有中文语言包下载啊 留下记号,帮顶。 确实很好用的软件,自己刻盘一直用它,它还有一个特性就是可以设置单面双层DVD刻录盘的分界点。 标记一下,以后用的着再来下。 NERO不好man ?
回复 #7 冷水含香 的帖子
NERO巨大,好多功能用不上 这个先留下名再说 用单文件nero的飘过~~~ 谢谢楼主!请问支持VISTA系统吗?回复 #11 wk430 的帖子
支持VISTA系统 下载一个试试,看效果如何:D 感谢楼主分享 Posted by bigstone on 2008-9-3 21:22 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gifNERO巨大,好多功能用不上
一会我就干掉我的nero。。。谢谢了。 中文包下不了啊。。。
回复 #16 阿炜 的帖子
中文包。。 留号。。。。。。。 谢谢了。。回复 #8 bigstone 的帖子
用nero6.6呀 感谢楼主分享 之前用过Ones,下次用LZ推荐的软件试试 我用的是Ashampoo Burning Studio 7,但是一次也没有用过。 看着不错,下个试试 嗯,干掉Nero,又少用一个盗版,舒服。。。。 下载了,谢谢 有潜力的软件,nero已经自己把自己搞死了 nero确实太大了。ones那个软件很小。不知道楼主的这个怎么样。 我试着做了一下该软件的免安装版(带中文语言包),就是解压之后,可以直接运行软件. 不过,该软件在运行的时候会从注册表中读取和写入数据,所以,还是不要称为绿色版了,不过,比起安装版来,简单多了,至少不用安装了,也不用自己把中文语言包拷到相应的目录,只是第一次运行默认是英文界面,不过,只需设置一下就可以了.大家帮我测试一下,看这个免安版的包是否好用. 这个先留下名再说