vistabusiness 还是很超值的 SUN, 5号申请的,今天还没收到 微软帐号邮件.用的是MSN.COM 的邮箱.这个邮箱和微软学生中心的注册邮箱是一个(不会是这个原因吧):, 申请删除帐号,换了邮箱又重新申请软件.
还是重新注册一个来申请了.这次用的是GMAI.COM 等消息. 在中国,哈哈哈。。。个人用盗版不知是否犯罪? Hello,
Welcome! Thank you for signing up as a participant in the Microsoft Developers Academic
Alliance (MSDN AA); your eligibility is made possible through an ACM/MSDNAA partnership.
ACM is licensed under the MSDNAA Program which enables ACM Student Members to access any of
the nearly 100 software packages available under the Program. e-Academy Inc., a partner of
Microsoft is providing ELMS (the e-Academy Licensed Management System) for MSDNAA to you.
Below is your ACM username and a password assigned to you by e-Academy (naturally, you may
change your password). Simply log into the system and start browsing/ordering the software
(at no-charge). You will be asked to create a Profile on the MSDN AA site during the order
Your username is: ****@acm.org
Your password is: ****
e-Academy Inc., the operator of the ACM/MSDN AA Partnership website, is fully committed to
the online privacy of all MSDN AA users. Reports on traffic patterns are sometimes created
by MSDN AA to monitor the effectiveness of this service but these reports are stripped of
any individual or personal identification. By accessing the software through this website,
you will be asked to accept the usage guidelines.
If you have any technical difficulties please contact ACMs Program Administrator via email
at msdnadmin@acm.org
:D :D :D Great. I haven't got it yet.
Posted by aminoacids on 2008-10-8 07:17 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
Welcome! Thank you for signing up as a participant in the Microsoft Developers Academic
Alliance (MSDN AA); your eligibility is made possible through an ACM/MSDNAA partnership.
... 已经注册了,多谢楼主分享 已经收到注册码了,不过很遗憾想要都没有了,现在就有以下几套软件。我的是YAHOO.CN邮箱,这样就不存在.CN邮箱收不到的说法了。 等着,每天早上都会上新货,手快有,手慢无,
记得要搜索的方式找,比如搜索server,vista等等 莫非点上面的join??? 已经关闭了免费会员注册:D 今天只剩下server 2008 standard enterprise 和 xp 还有 vista b 64bit sp1了 还有这么多好东西: 不能注册了:'( 求个xp的号!!! 楼上全部nb 转过来,俺给你xp的:D 我业NB换一下 ,各种号都有 :D ls的ls,全部的太多了,要不你和ls的竞争一下?看谁收的少,俺就给谁?^v^ ^v^ ^v^ 记号!!!! 谁能给个原版的oem(联想)xp啊?集不集成sp1或sp2或sp3无所谓的,好心人给个啊,我急啊 晕呀,晚了一步,注册不了了呀, 已经永远game over了,不过已经去的acm账号的,还行 留个记号!!! 用NB换个用户名和密码可以吗? 嘻嘻··· 自己要一套注册码放心。