太谢谢了,没有这,linux下找驱动真累。。。:D Posted by liu_yunsheng on 2008-11-21 10:32 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
楼上的楼主这个是suse linux企业版,你看到的suse11应该是开源社区的opensuse11。就好比fedora是redhat的社区桌面版,rhel就是redhat的企业版商业收费产品。
嗯,这个我知道,其实外面也可以下到sled 10的,我其实想问的是预装的这个sled 10是否预装有thinkpad 的特有驱动,比如对小红点中键的支持,电源管理,热键等。以及是否可以当正版一样从suse官网升级。 感谢楼主的分享~~:)
^:^ ^:^ ^:^忘留邮箱了:290710442@qq.com
:D :D ,谢谢啊!这年头好人不多了 强帖留个记号 自从预装SLED10的ThinkPad发布就找,一直找不到。后来放弃了。没想到现在又找到了。呵呵。谢谢楼主啊。楼主能否接几个图上来?谢谢了。把预装软件介绍一下?谢谢了。 honorfight@126.com 谢谢楼主。 机器的硬盘有数据没法做恢复,只能在虚拟机里先尝尝鲜了。下面是抓的几张桌面图片和系统自带软件。 楼主在不?请问你这版本带ThinkVantage软件不?特别是电池充电和硬盘保护,官方SLED10就差这2个而已 真是好东西,多谢楼主提供分享!!! 谢谢楼主!!! 阿班图版的LINUX,直接装上就能用了~~~20分钟搞定! Posted by tcxz on 2008-11-20 14:40 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif没时间弄,你帮忙搞搞,方便点。
今天下班时才有一点时间把链接挂上开始下载,现在应该已经下完了。不过要周一回到单位才能发布,前提还得是有时间。年底了工作比较忙:( Posted by yonz on 2008-11-22 00:27 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
3、没有电源管理软件,目前官方只发布了Suse下的RPM包。不过我记得有个软件能把红帽的RPM包转成DEB包,不知道是否同样能用在SUSE的RPM包上。 Posted by turtlerock on 2008-11-21 11:19 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
嗯,这个我知道,其实外面也可以下到sled 10的,我其实想问的是预装的这个sled 10是否预装有thinkpad 的特有驱动,比如对小红点中键的支持,电源管理,热键等。以及是否可以当正版一样从suse官网升级。
lenovo官方网站上可以下载到用于suse的电源管理软件的rpm包,今天上午我看到的。 Posted by liu_yunsheng on 2008-11-21 20:42 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
回复 #60 atx740 的帖子
同问??我的是R61E:D Posted by turtlerock on 2008-11-21 11:19 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif嗯,这个我知道,其实外面也可以下到sled 10的,我其实想问的是预装的这个sled 10是否预装有thinkpad 的特有驱动,比如对小红点中键的支持,电源管理,热键等。以及是否可以当正版一样从suse官网升级。
Novell的SLED10本来就支持你说的这些。唯一缺的就是ThinkVantage Posted by ION_ImmOrTaL on 2008-11-22 00:44 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
那个是T60的。而且在T61上不太行 终于下完了,只是刻不了盘 没种子啦,下不了! ThinkPad Readme.txt
Limitations Workarounds and How To's for SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10
Service Pack 1- ThinkPad T61, R61
Thank you for purchasing a Lenovo ThinkPad with SUSE Linx Enterprise Desktop 10
preloaded!This file contains some Limitations, Workarounds, and How To's
regarding this SUSE Linux Preload.
Contents of this document:
1. Features/Functions not supported
2. SATA limitation
3. Video Limitations and configurations - Intel Graphics
4. Video Limitations and configurations - NVIDIA Quadro NVS 140M
5. Power Management and Plug & Play Limitations
6. Fingerprint How To
7. Modem How To
8. Obtaining Source Files
9. Running PC Doctor DOS Diagnostics
1. Features/Functions not supported
The following features/functions are not supported.
* ThinkVantage Active Protection System
* ThinkVantage Access Connections for SUSE Linux
* ThinkPad Configuration for SUSE Linux
* ThinkPad Power Manager for SUSE Linux
* Wireless WAN Adapter
- Disabling Wireless WAN adapter is recommended.
* ThinkVantage Button
* (Intel Graphics system ) DVI output
* (Intel Graphics system) Xinerama Multihead (Extended Desktop)
- "Cloned Multihead" and"Xinerama Multihead and the Arrangement" are greyed
* Hotkeys: Fn+F2 and Fn+F8
Note: Supported functions for SUSE Linux are:
* Fn+F3 Screen Off
* Fn+F4 Suspend To RAM
* Fn+F5 Toggle Bluetooth on/off
* Fn+F7 Display Switching
* Fn+F9 Undock request
* Fn+F12 Suspend To Disk
3GB maximum memory is supported with 4GB memory configuration.
2. SATA limitation
System may not boot when changing the setting of Serial ATA(SATA) in the BIOS
Setup Utility
If you change the setting of Serial ATA (SATA) in the BIOS Setup Utility after
installation, your computer will not respond during boot process.
Restore the setting Serial ATA (SATA) in the BIOS Setup Utility.
1. Start the BIOS Setup Utility menu.
2. Select "Config".
3. Select "Serial ATA (SATA)".
4. Restore the setting to "AHCI" or "Compatibility".
5. Restart your computer.
3. Video Limitations and configurations - Intel Graphics
Features/Functions not supported with Intel Graphics
- The following features/functions are not supported.
* DVI output
* Xinerama Multihead (Extended Desktop)
"Cloned Multihead" and "Xinerama Multihead and the Arrangement" are grayed out.
Display may not be switched automatically when Suspend to RAM/Suspend to Disk/
Dock/Undock/LID close events occur
Display switching from/to external monitor to/from LCD panel may not occur
automatically with Suspend To RAM/Suspend to Disk/Dock/Undock/LID close/ events.
For instance, when you disconnect external monitor during Suspend to RAM, blank
screen may be shown on the internal panel.
Press Fn-F7 to switch Display manually.
Screen on external monitor may not be shown correctly with Intel Graphics
The i810 driver supports clone mode only for dual heads. However, you can only
use the same resolution on both the internal panel and on the external monitor.
If the external monitor doesn't support the mode of the panel, you need to
switch to a lower one.
Change the resolution to the one the external monitor supports through
"Resolution Switcher" on task tray. 1024x768 is typically a mode that is
supported by all monitors.
X server may not start when configuration is changed with Intel Graphics
- Instead of the login screen (the one with user interface), console login is
- After restarting the system, instead of showing the login prompt the following
message is displayed: "Failed to start the X server (your graphical interface).
It is likely that it is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the X
server output to diagnose the problem?"
Possible Cause(s):
1. Device configuration change in BIOS
2. Kernel update.
1. Login as root.
2. Execute: "sax2 -r"
3. Click OK.
4. Restart your computer by executing "shutdown -r now".
4. Video Limitations and configurations - NVIDIA Quadro NVS 140M
Display may not be switched automatically when Suspend to RAM/Suspend to
Disk/Dock/Undock/LID close events occur with NVIDIA video driver
Display switching from/to external monitor to/from internal panel may not occur
automatically with Suspend To RAM/Suspend to Disk/Dock/Undock/LID close/ events.
For instance, when you disconnect external monitor during Suspend to RAM, blank
screen may be shown on internal panel.
Press Fn-F7 to switch Display manually.
SaX2 may not work correctly with NVIDIA video driver
* After installation of NVIDIA driver, Video Card name property in "Graphics
Card and Monitor" or "SaX2" still shows the generic video driver
(VESA Framebuffer Graphics). Monitor name may not be shown correctly.
* Properties - Resolution shown in "Graphics Card and Monitor" or "SaX2" may be
different from the resolution set available with NVIDIA X Server Settings. If
applying any resolutions on "Sax2", X server mail fail to start.
* Properties - Colors shown in "Graphics Card and Monitor" or "SaX2" may be
different from the resolution set available with NVIDIA X Server Settings. If
applying any colorson "Sax2", X server mail fail to start.
To configure NVIDIA video, use NVIDA X Server Settings - "Computer" -
"More Applications" - "NVIDIA X Server Settings".
Taskbar may not work correctly with Xinerama Multihead (Extended Desktop) mode
of NVIDIA video driver
When Xinerama Multihead (Extended Desktop) is enabled, the task bar on secondary
display may not work correctly..
Remove the taskbar panel on secondary display and use one on primary display.
1. Right click on Taskbar of secondary display.
2. Select "Delete This Panel...".
3. Message will prompt.
4. Press "Delete".
X server may not start when configuration is changed with NVIDIA video driver
- Instead of the login screen (the one with user interface) console login is
- After restarting the system instead of showing the login prompt, the following
message is prompted: "Failed to start the X server (your graphical interface).
It is likely that it is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the X
server output to diagnose the problem?"
Possible Cause(s):
1. Device configuration change in BIOS
2. Unsupported settings applied to X server.
3. Kernel update.
Try any of the following case:
Case 1:
1. Login as root.
2. On a terminal execute: "sax2 -r"
3. Start X server by execute the following on a terminal: "startx"
4. Run nvidia-xconfig to create a new X configuration file.
5. Restart your computer by executing "shutdown -r now"
Case 2:
1. Login as root.
2. Go to the directory of /opt/lenovo/nvidia or where you saved your nVidia
3. Execute: "sh ./.run" and follow the instruction.
ex. sh ./l7kv06us.run
4. Restart your computer by executing "shutdown -r now"
Configuration changes in Nvidia X server settings (control panel) cannot be
saved to xorg.conf file
- Changing video settings using Nvidia X server control panel will not be saved
to xorg.conf
Only root can edit and save changes to xorg.conf.
1, Open command line.
2. su root.
3. Run 'nvidia-settings'.
4. Nvidia X server settings control panel will now open and you can save the
changes to xorg.conf.
5. Restart x server to apply changes. (Press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace)
5.Power Management and Plug & Play Limitations
Suspend to RAM may be rejected with USB storage device
An error message "suspend2ram failed on unloading 'usb_storage'. Trying to
recover..." will be displayed when the system tries to Suspend to RAM with a USB
storage device attached.
Unmount the USB storage device before Suspend to RAM.
1. Right-click on the USB storage device on Desktop
2. Choose "Unmount Volume" option.
3. You may now proceed with suspend to ram.
Please confirm Suspend LED of the system is turned on.
Suspend to RAM may not work when Desktop Effects (Xgl) is enabled
If Desktop Effects is enabled, Suspend to RAM may not work correctly. You system
may hang with blank screen when waking up from Suspend to RAM.
Disable Desktop Effects.
1. Launch "Computer"-"Control Center".
2. Click "Desktop Effects".
3. Disable Desktop Effects.
Some devices on docking station may not work after hot/warm docking
Under SUSE Linux, attaching a system to a docking station while the system is
running - hot docking- is not supported. USB devices, PCI express card and
Serial port and Parallel port on the docking station do not work after
hot-docking. Attaching a system to a docking station while the system is in
Suspend to RAM or Suspend to Disk state - warm docking - is partially supported.
PCI express card, Serial port and Parallel port on the docking station do not
work after warm docking.
1. Enter a system into Suspend to RAM state using Fn-F4 key.
2. Attach the system to a docking station
3. Wake up the system using Fn-key.
4. USB devices attached to the docking station work.
Note: PCI express card, Serial port and Parallel port on the docking station do
not work. Restart SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 to make all devices work.
Bay devices may not work after hot/warm swapping
Under SUSE Linux, attaching/detaching a bay device to/from Ultrabay while the
system is running - hot swap- or while the system is in Suspend to RAM or
Suspend to Disk state - warm swapping is not supported. Bay device may not work
after hot swap or warm swap.
Shutdown your system and replace a bay device - cold swap. Then, start SUSE
Express card may not work after hot/warm plug
Under SUSE Linux, attaching/detaching an Express Card to/from Express Card slot
while the system is running - hot plug- or while the system is in Suspend to RAM
or Suspend to Disk state - warm plug is not supported. The Express Card may not
work after hot plug or warm plug.
Shutdown your system and replace a bay device - cold swap. Then, start SUSE
6. Fingerprint How To
How to enroll your fingerprint
Use the following steps to enroll your fingerprint for use in logging in:
1. Launch "Computer" - "Control Center".
2. Click "YaST".
3. Enter the root password
4. Click "Security and Users" - "User Management".
5. Choose the user from the users list.
6. Click "Edit" button.
7. Go to "Plug-Ins" tab.
8. Choose "Set the user's fingerprint".
9. Click "Launch" button.
10. Swipe your finger at least 3 times (You will need 3 successful swipes)
11. Wait until your fingerprint is stored.
12. Click "Accept" button twice.
13. Click "Finish" button.
7. Modem How To
Dial-up connection
1. Go to Computer > Control Center, and select YaST.
2. Enter Administrator(root) password.
3. Go to Network Devices.
4. Click Modem.
5. A warning message will appear. Click OK.
6. Click Add button to add new modem device and start configuration.
7. In the Modem Parameters window, enter "/dev/modem" in the Modem Device
field, click Next button.
8. In the Select Internet Service Provider (ISP) window, select Custom
Providers and click Next button.
9. In the Provider Parameters window, enter Provide Name, Phone Number, and
User Name.
10.Uncheck "Always Ask for Password" field and enter the Password. Click Next
11.In the Connection Parameters window, check Stupid Mode option. Click Next
12.Click Finish button to save the configuration. Install Kinternet if asked.
11.Follow the instruction to complete setup.
12.Click NetworkManager in System Tray to use Dial Up Connections.
Region Setting
How to change region setting
1.In a terminal window, use the su (switch user) command to obtain root
2.Type init 3 to run in console without the X server.
3.Login as root.
4.Type hsfconfig.
5.A warning message and prompt will ask you:
Warning: existing driver modules found under: ...
Would you like to keep using them?
Enter Yes.
6.Enter the region/country name for modem unit. For example: JAPAN
7.Restart your computer by executing shutdown -r now.
To check for the current region setting
1.In a terminal window, use the su (switch user) command to obtain root
2.Type hsfconfig --info
8. Obtaining Source Files
The SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 SP1 source files are located on Novell's
website. Please go to http://www.novell.com/linux/source and choose the link
"SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 Service Pack 1" to obtain source packages.
9. Running PC Doctor DOS Diagnostics
The PC Doctor DOS Diagnostic tool can be run to make sure your hardware is
working correctly. To run PC Doctor DOS, boot your machine with the Recovery
DVD that came with your system and choose "PC Doctor DOS Diagnostics" from the
boot menu. Alternatively, if your ThinkPad is equipped with a CD burner, you
can burn a standalone copy of the PC Doctor DOS disk using the file
* ThinkPad and ThinkVantage are registered trademarks of Lenovo.
* Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries,
or both.
Other company, product, and service names may be registered trademarks,
trademarks or service marks of others. wallpaper
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