Ubuntu 8.10 - the current stable version, released in October 2008, codenamed Intrepid Ibex.Ubuntu 8.04 LTS - the current long term support version, released in April 2008, codenamed Hardy Heron.
Ubuntu 7.10 - previous stable version, released in October 2007, codenamed Gutsy Gibbon.
Ubuntu 6.06 LTS - previous long term support version, released in June 2006, codenamed Dapper Drake. 学习下,有中文不:-| :D :D :D :D :D :D 这个作为升级的时候可以识别的^x^ 其实就是年份后面跟着月份!!!! Ubuntu 6.06 LTS - DD Dapper Drake.
Ubuntu 7.10 - GGGutsy Gibbon.
Ubuntu 8.04 LTS - HHHardy Heron.
Ubuntu 8.10 -IIIntrepid Ibex.
Ubuntu 9.04 -聪明的你应该想到了吧,简称JJ :D Jaunty Jackalope 呵呵!湖南 简约而不简单