大家有碰到这样的问题吗?不会是我的人品问题吧! 本本是装了Window7, 难道你公司的台式机上也装了Window7? Posted by NoirBear on 2009-5-6 16:42 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
本本是装了Window7, 难道你公司的台式机上也装了Window7?
我自己安装的系统呀,也是Win7! 应该没有win7什么事,是个别现象 我安装的也是WIN 7 英文版的,没你说的现象呀 我有点相信这是真的...因为前段时间我几个2g的ghost文件也莫名其妙不见了.... 如果这个现象属实的话,狠顶WIN7!
不过我不太信,尽管 tfosorciM 不怎么地,不过也不至于犯这种错误吧。 是从bt下的吧,网上说bt下的RC有恶意软件植入,要小心呀!
Redmond Security Advisor: Pirate's Booty in Bootlegged Win7
Plus: Worms that start with Win; Facebook phishing.
By Jabulani Leffall
You know there are serious security problems when even bootleg copies of a program aren't safe. Microsoft is playing damage control after it was revealed that illegal copies of Windows 7 Release Candidate (RC) contain malware.
Copies first appeared April 24 on BitTorrent, the Internet download clearinghouse for movies, games and music that often originate from dubious origins. In an irony to end all ironies, users who downloaded programs complained about the Trojan horses and other dormant but nasty bugs that crept onto their systems when they installed the illegal Windows 7.
Microsoft essentially stated via its blog that, beyond the fact that Windows 7 RC isn't even out yet, the prospect of user infections is reason enough to stay away from downloading off BitTorrent affiliated sites.
"Wow that was fast, though I don't suppose I should be surprised," wrote Alex Kochis, director of Microsoft's Genuine Windows anti-piracy technology group. He went on to say that these incidents show "that there are those out there who see the significant interest in something such as Windows 7 as an opportunity to try to take advantage of others." Posted by JamWnJ on 2009-5-6 20:02 http://www.thinkpad.cn/forum/images/common/back.gif
Redmond Security Advisor: Pirate's Booty in Bootlegged Win7
Plus: Worms that start with Win; Facebook phishing.
By Jabulani Leffal ...
bt下载的7100版本sha-1值与微软官方昨天提供下载的,完全一样,木马有这么牛,隐藏到ISO文件中,sha-1还能与微软官方版本一样? 7100rc我第一时间下的....被挂马的是后来出的两个种子....长期混远景这个肯定知道....
反复确认...文件确实没了....后来尝试用数据恢复软件,无果....遂放弃....这事我也没当回事,我想是个例....也可能和TC有关...而且用了大半年WIN 7这丢文件是唯一一次.....所以我没太在意啦....win 7的可靠性还是很高的....平时做好备份...啥都不怕 签名机前天上了Win7,SHA-1值和MS在Technet公布的一样。今早开机的时候居然自动运行Check Disk检查C盘……虽然没有任何错误,也没做任何更改,但还是被吓到了。顺手Google了下,好像Win7和SATA驱动之间有些问题,LZ是用SATA的AHCI还是IDE模式? 签名机WIN7 7106使用没有这种问题发现 Posted by aldenyuan on 2009-5-7 00:13 http://www.thinkpad.cn/forum/images/common/back.gif
签名机前天上了Win7,SHA-1值和MS在Technet公布的一样。今早开机的时候居然自动运行Check Disk检查C盘……虽然没有任何错误,也没做任何更改,但还是被吓到了。顺手Google了下,好像Win7和SATA驱动之间有些问题 ...
回复 #14 tomor 的帖子
没有,之前一直用Vista,就64G的硬盘,哪里有多余的空间搞双系统啊……:') Posted by angdolphin on 2009-5-6 21:34 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif7100rc我第一时间下的....被挂马的是后来出的两个种子....长期混远景这个肯定知道....
文件丢失的过程:TC打开文件夹A,看到三个GHO文件,每个2g,返回上一级文件夹,再打开一次文件夹A...发现是空的..我还以为自己 ...
回复 #16 caozhu 的帖子
我后面不是写了有可能是TC有问题么....你要引用拜托先看清楚我的话...现在的人怎么都这么浮躁.... TC能有什么问题?我用了N年的TC,也没出现丢失文件的现象。 WIN7英文版已经用了1个月了,重装了N次,没任何问题。 微软警告过:win7 有数据损坏的bug 没有碰到过 自己感觉win7还行,最恼火的是安装不了打印驱动