Palm Prē评测
Palm Pre reviewby Joshua Topolsky, posted Jun 3rd 2009 at 9:12PM
The Palm Pre. It's not just a phone, it's a myth, an idea, possibly a legacy... and a really, reallylong time coming. It's almost impossible to believe, but the crew atEngadget has been talking about a Linux-based Palm phone since way back in 2004.Through the now-distant years that followed, we were speculating,pontificating, and wishfully-thinking about a new device from a companythat we'd come to expect innovation from. But we waited. And waited. And waited. We waited so long, in fact, that we actually penned a lengthy open letter to Palm,pleading for the company to get back on its game. Only when the picturelooked really, truly bleak for the folks in Sunnyvale (you know, like$2 a share bleak) did we actually see a spark of hope -- two sparks, infact -- called the Pre and webOS.
Yes, this is epic stuff. ThePre (and its accompanying operating system) could likely decide thefate of the company largely credited with ushering in the age of thedo-everything phone. Since Palm's announcement at CESthis year, news surrounding the Pre has been a veritable whirlwind ofactivity: rumors, half-truths, hate, love, fear-mongering, fanboyism,rampant gadget-lust... and even a little late night celebrityfor the pint-sized phone. Finally the time has come to put rubber toroad and get into the guts of this thing once and for all. Can the Preand webOS live up to the hype -- the kind of hype we haven't seen sincethe launch of the original iPhone -- or do they snap under thepressure? Read on for the full review.
Part 1: Hardware, webOS / user interface
Part 2: Synergy, phone, media, applications
Part 3: Data speeds, backup, battery, Bluetooth, pricing, wrap-up
前天看到本就想贴过来,后来发现Part 1~Part 3的内容实在太多,而且这两天工作很忙,就没顾上,今早发现Engadget的一篇文章“In case you missed our Palm Pre review”,进去一看,果然还是指向引文的内容,看来天意如此,不转不行了,哈~~~
Part 1: Hardware, webOS / user interface
Part 2: Synergy, phone, media, applications
Part 3: Data speeds, backup, battery, Bluetooth, pricing, wrap-up 最近点击率很高这几个 part,在maxpda有介绍,吹友也有介绍 ========
[ Edited bysong_1118 on 2009-6-5 08:56 ] 像多普达S1 嗯,有PALMOS的模拟器,是个不错的消息呵,可以缓解下全新webos软件资源少的缺点 看起来很不错哦!
回复 #3 song_1118 的帖子
这张图早就有了哈~~~ 呵呵转个中文的: